Chapter 5

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Light. Pain. Screaming. That's all I could see, feel, and hear.

As soon as Liu showed himself to me, a bright light shined through my chest, making me unable to see anything. The next thing I noticed was an intense pain, it felt like something was clawing its way out from inside of me. Next, I heard screaming. It took me a moment to realize the screaming was me.

When the pain ceased and I stopped screaming, I opened my eyes. There were multiple flowers all around my body. I was practically covered. The one that caught my attention the most though, was a large flower right where my heart is. This was the most important flower.

My eyes widened when I saw the colour of the flower, was purple...? That shouldn't be purple...W-What does purple mean?

I looked up, and saw everyone gathered around me. I scanned the group, then realized that I never got a look at Liu. He stood in front of me, his hair brown and unkempt. His skin was a peach colour, and his eyes...oh his eyes...they were an emerald shade of green. One could get lost in them if they stared long enough.

"(N/n) you okay?" His voice cut off my train of thought.

I quickly nodded, "y-yeah..." a long exasperated sigh left my lips. "Jesus, that hurt." I said rubbing my body, grazing over flowers, vines, and thorns.

The group just stared at me in shock. I didn't even notice until now, but Liu was covered in stitches. Despite that, he was my soulmate, and nothing could change that.

I didn't even notice I was doing it, until I had his chin between my thumb and my pointer finger. Slowly, I tilted his head in different directions, examining his face. I completely forgot I was in McDonald's until I heard someone clear their throat.

Turning my attention to the noise, none other than the bitch, Niki, stood there. Her arms crossed. "Did the pathetic slut get a boyfriend?" She asked.

I cleared my throat, and glanced at the group, telling them to stand down. "Well Niki," I started, "this"-I gestured to Liu-"is my soulmate. And I believe you are the only slut here."

She scoffed, "actually-"

I cut her off, "no. You're the slut. I didn't cheat on my husband with my child's teacher."


Sorry it's short. I'm trying you guys.

Purple (Homicidal Liu x reader) *UNEDITED*Where stories live. Discover now