Chapter 10

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(Y/n)'s POV

I styled my (h/l) (h/c) hair, and put on (comfy outfit of your choice).

As I was putting out various sweets, the door bell rang. I answered the door to see Liu standing there. A smile on his face, and in his usual outfit. He held a bouquet of (favourite flowers).

"I got you some flowers." He said, smiling softly, and handing me the bouquet.

"Thank you so much!" I exclaimed, smelling the flowers, and letting him in.

Liu walked in, and followed me to the dining room, where I put the flowers into a vase. "Help yourself." I insisted, smiling softly, and sitting down.

We told jokes as we ate. I giggled, covering my mouth, and pushing some hair out of my face.

"We should watch a movie," Liu suggested. I nodded, and stood up, taking him to the living room.

We put on a comedy, enjoying the evening snickering, and making comments about the movie. Eventually, we started telling stories.

He told me of when he had first seen Jeff after the accident. I told him the tale of when I ended up hanging upside down by a tree.

We both laughed, and I leaned my head down on his shoulder. I heard his breath hitch, causing a smile to grace my lips as I dozed off.

Liu's POV

What is this strange feeling I have? I asked myself, resting my head on (Y/n)'s. It's love you idiot! Sully shouted.

I wrapped my arm around her waist. She can never know about Sully.

Purple (Homicidal Liu x reader) *UNEDITED*Where stories live. Discover now