Chapter 18

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The redhead's POV

"Lazari!" Slenderman called, snapping his attention to me. "Help her understand."

My eyes widened. "Wha!? HELP HER!? I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT SHE IS!"

"She's a Spectra." He replied calmly, turning back to the panicking woman.

Lazarus. What's a Spectra?

A Spectra is an interesting type of demon and is the subject of many horror films. Spectras' haunt places or objects. They then can terrorize those who try and impose themselves in the places or on the objects. He replied.

So, like BEN?

Kind of. BEN moves from place to place and doesn't haunt one specific item. He haunts the entire Majora's Mask game. (Y/n), on the other hand, would haunt only one item or place. She'd be stuck where she started.

(Y/n) looked at me, her eyes filled with fear. Liu unwrapped the scarf from around his neck and placed it on her, but as soon as she touched it, she shrieked.

I watched as the scarf fused with her skin, then, she disappeared. The scarf fell, before lifting and slamming onto Liu.

At first, I thought it was gonna suffocate him, but it just layed flat. I turned to Slender, concern clear in my face. He tilted his head at me, before taking an item out of his pocket. It looked like a music box.

Slenderman walked towards Liu with the music box. "Play it."

Liu nodded, taking the music box, and turning the handle.

(Music above. Picture of Music Box is also above. Choose whichever you'd like.)

The scarf started to seemingly glow. A trail of smoke transferred from the scarf to the music box, and the tune played on its own.

A quiet voice began speaking, though it sounded faded and echoed. "Help! Get me out of here. Liu!"

I turned to the green eyed boy, watching his expression change. "(Y/n)!"

Purple (Homicidal Liu x reader) *UNEDITED*Where stories live. Discover now