Chapter 6

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3rd person pov

Jin couldn't take it, so he ran outside, namjoon ran after him he wanted to talk with him, but Jin wasn't in the best state to talk and his mind was clouded, knowing that his mate is a friend of that monster who beat up his brother and also one of the schools bad boys it was too much for him. "Jin wait let's talk" namjoon shouted but Jin was already inside the car driving away from the club with teary eyes. Namjoon went back inside with teary eyes he couldn't believe that he lost his mate right in front of his eye, everyone looked at him with a weird expression, questioning where is Jin? and What happened? Namjoon lower his head and said "He left before I can even  talk to him, I don't know where he is now, he was angry and crying, it's my fault I made my mate cry" namjoon said crying while hugging hoseok.

"what do you mean you don't know where he is?"jimin shout in anger "clam down" yoongi said coldly "Dont talk to me right now"jimin said ready to attack him" jiminie it's okay we can call hyung" taehyung said and gave a small smile to jimin to calm him down "bravo omega  you have a brain after all" jungkook said sarcastically "shut up" taehyung glare at him voice full of venom and that took  jungkook and the others by surprise taehyung never talked like that to anyone "What did you just said omega you want to die tonight ?" jungkook said taking a step closer "jk enough let's leave" J-hope said not wanting his friend to get into a fight with the omegas "yeah he is right leave, we have to go to our hyung" Lucas said and smiled to J-hope making him smile back "wait but we came with jin hyung's car" taehyung said realizing now that they don't have any way to go back home "yes you are right taebear but its okay we can take a taxi don't worry let's go" jimin said ignoring the two alphas that were glaring at them like they were ready to attack them and left the club with taehyung and Luca following him.

~with jin~

Jin went back to their house, he was confused with the situation and about his feelings towards namjoon, he walked towards his room with a glass of alcohol in his hand, because he was happy that he finally found his mate and so was his wolf but in the other hand he felt guilty, him dating a guy that had a bad reputation and fucked around with a lot of girls wasn't what he was expecting, namjoon wasn't the best person for him he was sure about that but when he tried to explain and apologized to him about the previous events he felt happy and like small butterflies were flying on his stomach, maybe just maybe he should give him a chance to prove himself to Jin.

Jin was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't hear the door of his room opening  and his babies walking inside and seating beside him on the bed while  hugging him "Hyungie are you okay?" taehyung said with puppy eyes "of course sweetie, everything is fine" Jin said with fake smile, "don't fake your smile hyungie I know you are confused with the situation" tae said and kissed his cheek "yes eomma, you should be strong were is my sassy eomma eh ?" jimin said with a pout and Jin laughed at him "you are so cuteeeeee both of you"he said squeezing their cheeks "hey, what about me?" Lucas said angry "you are too" Jin said and kissed his forehead.

"How about a sleepover for my birthday? We will sleep in my bed and tomorrow we will go shopping, what do you think?" Jin said smiling at them he wanted to forget his mate and the bad things that happened between them, he wanted to free his head and think clearly after that. Taehyung, jimin and Luca made a small meeting about their answer and Luca shouted " WE ARE IN", "excellent I'm going to make some snacks so we can watch a movie" Jin left the room and left the three youngers "I think we should change first" jimin said, "yeah we should Luca I'll give you one of my pijamas" taehyung said and left with Lucas to change and jimin went to his room.

"Well Luca when we are alone we like to  cross dressing so we have more femine pijamas, are you okay with it?" tae smiled "of course sometimes I like to cross dress too", "really? awesome!" tae said clapping "so wear this"

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