Chapter 14

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3rd person pov

"What the fuck is going on here?" a man a bit older than them asked angrily, "Who are you?" jungkook asked not knowing the person and that's impossible because he knows everyone in school "I am the new history teacher Mr.Choi Minho" the man said surprising them, "what happened to Mrs. Angela?" a girl asked "she quit because a student broke her heart after they had sex" he said looking serious, everyone in the class turned and looked at jungkook "What are you looking at? She was hot as fuck" yoongi laughed at that, but before he can say more Lucas talked "SIR pls let me go after taehyung he needs my help" the teacher looked at him and nodded "you can go to him" he said and Lucas left "And as for you assholes I will talk to your parents about what happened here, now take out a piece of paper because we are writing a test in the chapters of last year's material" everyone growled at that but went and seat in their seats "You can't talk to me like that do you know who am I?" jk said angrily "Yes, I know and I feel pity on those people you are going to lead after you take the alpha title, because going out and fucking random girls and bullying kids is not was a real alpha does" Mr. Choi said leaving jk with the mouth open.

"I will leave for some seconds but Mr. Nick is going to look after you until I'm done with my job" he said and left leaving the gym teacher looking at them. He went towards the bathroom because he knew that the small boy will be there trying to clean himself and he was right, when he entered the bathroom he saw a small boy crying while trying to take away the feathers of his face, so he went closer when the boy saw him he took a step back scared "Don't worry little one I'm Mr. Choi your history teacher" he said now smiling at taehyung making him feel for some weird reason safe with him "I'm taehyung" he said with a low voice not looking up. "Do you need help with cleaning yourself pup?" taehyung blushed at the nickname and nod with puppy eyes making the older chuckle at him.

"You are so cute you know it?" he said making taehyung a blushing mess "I'm not cute, I'm disgusting" tae said with a sad voice "how's saying those lies?", "people" tae said not wanting to tell the handsome man about his bullies or about jungkook "Well those people are blind because in front of me is a beautiful boy, with beautiful blue eyes, perfect lips, face and hair and we can't forget this beautiful feminine body can we?" he said smirking at the boy who was now red from blushing so much, he didn't felt uncomfortable with his words on the contrary he felt confident," thank you, "taehyung said showing his beautiful boxy smile at his teacher", "No worries pup, you are a beauty and no one should make you feel otherwise" minho said smiling at him.

After some minutes of talking, and minho complimenting taehyung, they done cleaning his clothes and hair, but he was still wet from the water that fell on him and now he was shivering from cold because of that. "Are you okay pup?" minho asked "c-cold" he said "I have some spare clothes on my office but I don't think they will fit you", "L-Lucas W-went to b-bring M-me s-some" tae said looking at his teacher "Lucas?..... Ahhh he was the boy who asked permission to come and find you" he said and taehyung nodded at that "okay we will wait here for some minutes" minho said and sat with taehyung down on the floor but the boy was shivering from cold so minho took him in his arms hugging him. Taehyung was shocked for a moment but after some minutes he relaxed in his warmth liking the feeling of the teacher hugging him.

"You are so cute pup, I promise that I will protect you" he said kissing the top of his forehead making the boy blush, but what they didn't know is that someone was watching them and that someone wasn't very happy to see them hugging like that. The moment taehyung closed his eyes to sleep the door opened revealing Lucas with a shocked expression holding a hoodie, jeans and socks "why are you so shocked?" minho asked "I just saw j...", "never mind give taehyung the clothes he is shivering" Lucas nod his head and gave taehyung the clothes the younger went inside a toilet to get changed. Some minutes later, tae was out of the toilet with clean and warm clothes, he thanked Lucas for the clothes and turned to look at minho "thanks for your help Mr. Choi" he said blushing "when we are alone you can call me minho hyung okay?" he said smiling "okay" taehyung said and left with minho going to the cafeteria as the bell rang for lunch break "see you soon minho hyung" tae said, "this little pup is going to be my death some day"

Taehyung's pov

After we left the bathroom Lucas couldn't stop asking about what happened in the bathroom, I have to say that minho hyung is very kind and very charming, he looks young too. I blushed at the memory of us hugging in the bathroom, when we arrived at the cafeteria I saw Jin hyung and jimin running towards me, "what happened are you alright?" Jin hyung asked me worried "jungkook pranked me with cold water,  glue and feathers" I said looking down "I'm going to kill him" he said his face was red from anger, "don't worry hyung Mr. Choi will punish him", "And who is that Mr. Choi?" jimin asked me and I blushed "he is my new history teacher and he helped me clean myself", "ohhhh taehyung has a crush on someone" jimin said smirking at me, "who is having a crush?" no, no pls no why can't he leave me alone, why he have to be everywhere. "Is none of your business jeon and if you lay a finger on my child I swear I'm gonna cut your dick and let those thirsty sluts eat it, you get it?" ah hahahaha ah hyung is so funny when he is angry, and I saw jungkook and his friends taking a step back in fear" wow babe chill, let's seat and talk about it yeah? "namjoon hyung said and jin hyung nodded at that, we all sat on a table.

Jin hyung with namjoon hyung, jimin between J-hope and suga, Lucas between me and jungkook.... Thanks god. We put out our foods and start eating, namjoon hyung was talking with Jin hyung, Lucas and jimin while J-hope, yoongi and jungkook were talking to each other, I was bored there without talking to anyone but everything changed when I heard his voice "Pup?", "Hyungieeeeee".

Hellooooooo my beautiful people, I was so excited for this chapter, I think is my favorite until now. Pls comment and vote to let me know if you liked the chapter and if you want to know when I will update again follow me.

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