Chapter 12

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Jungkook's pov

I walked with suga and J-hope hyung towards the training ground, I spotted eomma and Jimin but I couldn't find Taehyung. Were is he? I walked to my eomma who was smiling brightly "why are you smiling like that eomma?" I asked her and she flinched "ahh you scared me son" she said and then smiled  at me "I'm admiring taehyung, he is so good with the pups they loved him immediately" she said and I just rolled my eyes "that's why omegas are made eomma to help and protect the kids" I said looking again for my toy, but still couldn't find him. "How dare you to talk about omegas so lowly jungkook?" I turned to looked at her angry face. Oh shit! My eomma doesn't know I hate omegas. "I'm sorry eomma didn't mean it like that" I said looking my innocent eyes at her, I'm only soft to my eomma,appa and friends, they are the only people that can see my soft side.

"And about taehyung, I know he is different the pups are not so good with strangers, and as you can see jimin is still trying to approach some of them and he is a sweetheart, so it's inpossible to not like him" she said pointing at Jimin, okay she has a point but I still don't think he is special. "Luna come quickly to see something" a caretaker said to my eomma and I followed her to see what's going on, J-hope and suga went to see jimin so it was only me. We walked for a bit until we arrived in front of a tree to see Taehyung and a kid cuddling with each other. "Is this--" she said and I looked at her confused "yes  Luna he is Draco", "Incredible!" she said shooked, "Why are you doing like that? It's just a pup" I said and my eomma glared at me.

"He is not just a pup. Draco was rescued by our betas 1 year ago, he was in a house set up on fire, we don't know form who, after the rescue, he didn't talk to anyone, he was always quite, sad and he was bullied by other pups because they heard that he has an omega " she explained as I looked at her with interest to know more" He never tried to make friends, because he was afraid, but taehyung made him talk, laugh, he is gifted I don't know how this happened but I can see something in him" she said and looked at them with love. I can't lie he is looking so adorable with the pup in his hands. I'm thinking how will he look with our own pups! WTF JEON JUNGKOOK, OWN PUPS ? YOU NEED A THERAPIST.

After some time my eomma and the caretaker left to see how is Jimin doing, leaving me alone here staring at taehyung. How can anyone like him he is just so ugly, weak, stupid. "keep lying to yourself jeon" I heard my wolf jk saying to me, he does not talk to me much he doesn't like that I hocked up with people. I heard a giggle and I swear that was the most beautiful thing I heard in my life, I turned to look who made that sound and saw taehyung's boxy smile, the little one was hugging buring his head in taehyung's neck, I don't know what happened to me but I didn't like how close they became so I shout at him making him shiver "Taehyung".

3rd person pov

Taehyung turned around only to see his living nightmare, Jeon jungkook, what does he want? He thought but just looked at him waiting for the true blood to ask him something "you are to close to him, he maybe die for disease if you continue to touch him like that" he said looking coldly at him, "Are you sick Taetae?" the little pup asked with teary eyes, "No, love he is just joking don't listen to him" tae said trying to comfort the small one. "How dare to disrespect me, omega?" Jungkook growled in anger making the pup hide behind taehyung's back, for protection, Taehyung went on protecting mode making growl back at the true blood "Watch your tone Jeon you are scaring him and he was nothing to do with your hate towards me, so back of" tae said while glaring at him. Jungkook was surprised he find the courage to fight him back, no one except his friends, shout or talked back at him and that make him want to punish the younger for disrespecting him.

He smirked at the younger as he said" I'll leave you for now, just for the sake of the pup, but remember that we have school tomorrow and I won't let you get away with that", taehyung was scared to death for what was jungkook thinking of doing with him, but he just looked at him and said "I don't care". Lie he did care because he knew that the older is going to beat the shit out of him tomorrow, "Very well, I'll take my leave now and don't you dare say anything about that to anyone or else I'll kill you and that stupid pup of yours" he said with a cold voice.

After that he left leaving a crying taehyung behind "Is he going to kill me Taetae?" Draco said with a low voice, "No my baby no one is going to hurt you, I will protect you from all harm" he said looking at him with love eyes. "But he threatened you, he is going to hurt you, I can't let him hurt you" the pup said making taehyung smile at his words "Listen, baby he is not as bad as he looks like, I think that deep inside of him there is a small and soft boy that want to feel loved" taehyung said smiling sadly "I have to go now pup I have to do my homework" he said to him and Draco teared at that "pls don't leave me, pls", "baby, look at me! I'm not leaving you I will come every day to see you, okay?" tae said kissing the boy's head "okayyyyyy" the small pup giggled.

~with jimin~

Jimin's pov

Why is so hard to talk to them, I just want to be friends with them but I can see that they are kind of scared of me? Or someone? "hello sweetheart" I said as I looked at a small girl with black hair and blue eyes "hello" she replied to me thank god. "what's your name sweetie?" I asked, "I'm Siana", "wow it's a beautiful name, I'm jimin and I'm an omega so you don't have to be afraid of me okay?" I said smiling at her making her giggle as she squeeze my cheeks "you are like a mochi" she said and I laughed at her cuteness. "You are very cute you know that" I look at her and she blushed at my compliment but then I saw her face change to a scared one,

"what happened dear?", "they are scaring" she said and I turned to look behind me "ahhhhh" I shout scared "what are you guys doing here? You are scaring the pups with that cold expression" I said and look at suga hyung  and J-hope hyung"We only scare the pups or someone else too?" suga said smirking at me making me blush "the pups of course I'm used to see your scaring and cold face every morning in the school" I said to him, making J-hope hyung laugh.

"You sure omega? Because I smell your peed pants" he said and I felt embarrassed because I remembered that Siana is watching too, "Siana, go play with the others I will come later okay?" I said to her as he nodded her cute head and kisses my cheek before she leaves, I blushed at her action but then I heard a scary and deep growl, "oh easy there bro, jealous over a small girl? " J-hope hyung said making suga hyung glare at him, "in your dreams hope" he said and I was going to answer him but Jungkook's voice was heard making both off them to look at him "We are leaving something came up" he said with his usual cold voice dragging suga hyung and J-hope hyung with him.

Hello everyone. Here is the chapter you all wanted, I wasn't going to update this book but I saw that many of you commented me to continue and I promised someone that I will update. So I will tell this one more time this is the last time I will update this book utill I finish the first one. Pls respect that. Also pls vote, comment and follow me. It will be a great help to me.
I purple you all💜💜💜💜💜💜💜.

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