Chapter 3

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Jungkook's pov

~At the afternoon~

I was thrusting into her with so much hate, I went deeper and faster so I can release "ahhhh daddy so fucking good", she is not even tight I bet she is a slut, get fucked by everyone I don't care I just need someone to release my anger on and she is the best, option after that kid what was his name ahh taehyung "ahhhh daddy I'm cumming" she cum on the bed sheets after some more thrusts I cum inside the condom "ahhhh finally", I get dressed and I was ready to leave when she asked me "daddy why don't you sleep here for tonight" hahaha so pathetic she thinks she can have me well no she can't "Listen slut I'm not your boyfriend I just used you for my needs nothing more so get over it" I said and leave the house.

I was walking home thinking of ways to destroy that kid, he is very cute but I know inside of him is a slut like everyone else, he is just play cute and innocent to seduce you and then BAM the innocent kid is not innocent anymore. He is an male omega thats why I feel attracted to him, I hate it I want him to suffer, to know his place and be respectful to me and my hyungs we are the kings of the school so they are under our control and is better to catch out.

Taehyung's pov

~Next morning~

Tomorrow is my eomma's birthday and I want to do something big he deserves it, I want to be a surprise party and maybe he can found his mate. "Tae dear please come down for breakfast" Jin hyung said and  I giggle with my thoughts, I think is time to go to this bar that Jin hyung wanted so much but he did not tell us because he does not want to put us in danger.

I went to the bathroom to take a shower and make my morning routine, I get dressed to this

I went to the bathroom to take a shower and make my morning routine, I get dressed to this

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(without the mask and that color hair)

and I went downstairs to meet my chimchim and my jinie hyung I smiled at them and they smiled back, "good morning my baby" Jin hyung asked "I'm fine I was thinking about things", "what things are you okay?" chim asked "I'm okay I just want to know why jungkook is so bad to me", "ohhhh don't mind them sweetheart It is in their nature to be so abrupt but it isn't all so there are good Alpha too" I smiled at my eomma's comment maybe my mate is a good alpha, take care of me, love me and protect me.

"okay okay my babies let's go", "okay eomma" me and chim said and run outside in the car laughing "ahhhh you brats".

3rd person pov
~with the alphas~

"Morning" J-hope said with a smile "Morning" namjoon said and smiled back "shut the fuck up in the morning I should be in my house sleeping" suga said with a sleepy and annoying voice "OH man you are ungly, when you are sleepy", "shut up jungkook what happened with Liza", "ahh you had to see her face, she was about to explode with her anger, then I closed the door on the berry and left." jungkook said laughing with his hyungs but then they heard "Tae tae you are so cute and you jiminie" Lucas said  hugging both of them "and what about me" Jin said and pout making the others laugh "you eomma are worldwide handsome" Lucas said "of course I am" Jin said and left.

All alphas turned their heads and looked at each other smirking "Im getting tarhyung" jungkook said, "I'm getting jimin" suga said and smirk even more he and jimin already start a 'fight-connection' and he want to play with the younger more, "I will get Jin I own him a punishment because he make me look like an idiot and I have 148 IQ, we are gone have so much fun together" namjoon said "okay I'm getting Lucas he is so cute that I want to destroy him" J-hope said and all laugh together 'RING RING' "Come one we have to go", "what the fuck do we have now?" suga ask annoyed because he want to sleep and play with his 'new toy', "I think we have chemistry" namjoon "OH man holy shit, I hate chemistry" jungkook said.

Jimin's pov

After we arrived at school I located the alphas in the corner close to us before I can say anything to hyung Lucas came and get us for class and he compliments me, Taetae and jinie hyung, now we have  chemistry I sat beside Lucas and eomma with taehyungie the teacher come in "hello everyone my name is Alberto and I will teach you chemistry, we will do many experiments and projects so I want all of you to-", "hello teacher" what?they have the same classes as us? Nooooo "Mr. Jeon, Mr. Min, Mr. Kim and Mr. Jung you are late for the lesson and you are not good at this subject so you are not gonna sat together" Mr. Alberto said I tried to not look at them or the teacher but suga spotted me ahhhh nooo don't smirk please, I start to panic.

"why don't you change the seats then?" suga said and I prayed for the teacher to say no "Yes that's a good idea and maybe you can pay more attention to the lesson", "Yeah sure" namjoon said with a  sarcastic face and voice. "Okay so Mr. Kim taehyung" No No No don't you dare I turn behind me to see a frozen taehyung "You will seat with Mr. Jeon" FUCK no you can't do that he will destroy him I turn to the teacher again and saw jungkook smirking evily "Mr. Park with Mr. Min" no no noooooooo Im dead why moon goddess why do you hate me I'm good at my parents, good person why? "Mr. Kim with Mr. Kim ohhh I think you will get along pretty well with each other and Mr. Chan with Mr. Jung" he is kidding right? With are enemies, what a great teacher.

We changed our seats and start the lesson I  noticed that the girls in the class were looking irritated at taehyung because he was seating with that bad guy. Ahhh girls they think bad guys are always the best Girl calm down he is just using you. "what are you looking kitten?" suga asked me with a smirk "nothing", "that's not what it's look like", "can you leave me alone" I said a bit annoyed "let me think about it mmmmmmm no you are interesting" what I get myself into.

Jin's pov

IS HE SERIOUS now I have to seat far away from my babies and beside from this alpha "well I think is my lucky day today princess" rm said I tried to ignore him but he hold my hand "don't touch me"  I whisper-yell "why you don't like it?" he smirked ahhh how much I want to kill him but he is an alpha and I'm omega I can't kill him "what's your problem?" I said angry I don't like people like him " I don't have a problem with you sweetheart I just like to messing around" he said I laugh "I know that, playboy" his face change from clam to angry "Know your place omega" he said with his alpha voice and I submit to him all the others turn their heads to look at us "Jin hyung" I heard the boys shouting but I couldn't do anything about it I don't understand why he can make me submit so must "KIM NAMJOON  enough in the principal's office now" he stand up and  growled making some of the omegas scared "WE ARE NOT DONE YET OMEGA"

Finally I'm back writing this book now I have ideas please vote and comment I will update at the other book too but not now. Stay wealthy and beautiful army. Im so proud of our boys they make us proud again please support them 😊😊😊 I purple you 💜💜💜💜💜

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