Chapter 22

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Jungkook's pov

I was seating a little bit far from the training grounds watching taehyung playing with the children, I have to say that the pups seems to love him a lot , of course they are very playful with everyone but with tae I don't know he has something...something special. A stupid smile was formed in my lips without me knowing. I shook my head a little to stop my thoughts from going farther, I don't want to think of him, or his smile, or his pink juicy lips or even his sexy body..... FUCK I'm doing it again.

This boy  makes me feel weird... he confuse me. I shook again my head to keep him out of my thoughts and this time I succeeded but when I looked back I realized that tae was not longer in the training grounds, I panicked "where did he go?" I said to myself. I ran to were the teacher were and asked them about taehyung, they said he went inside the school, I was going to enter the school but then I reminded myself that I don't need to baby-sit him, so I walked back to my car.

After some time I spotted taehyung running with something in his hands or more like someone? He arrived at the parking lot and start shouting my name without realizing that I was right behind him.. What an idiot! I rolled my eyes and asked him why he was shouting and then was when I realized that he was holding a child.. Very familiar.. But I couldn't remember where I've seen him before, the kid didn't seem well too, so when he asked me worried to drove him home, I decided that the pack house was my best option since my mother was there.

3rd person pov

The car ride was quiet at least for jungkook and taehyung, because taehyung He had turned all his attention  to the little pup trying to put him to sleep, his fever His fever suddenly rose, the poor child was burning. Tae pulled Draco closer to his chest releasing calming hormones, Putting the child into a deep sleep, he kissed his forehead lovingly showing his omega's  motherly instincts he smiled sadly on the pup's condition. "So are you going to explain what happened to him?" jungkook said scaring tae " ah, you scared me!" taehyung said pouting making jungkook's heart beat faster. " Well... As you can see Draco is sick.. dangerously sick and the poor excuse of a doctor, didn't care at all, of course I couldn't let my baby suffer like that so I decided to take care of him" taehyung answer surprising jungkook with his attitude.

After some minutes the three wolves arrived and entered the pack house, immediately jungkook called out for his mother "EOMMA, EOMMA" he shouted some seconds later a very beautiful woman walked into the living room with a smile seeing her son "what happened bunny ? Why are you shouting?" the Luna said still not noticing the two little souls behind her true blood son "we need your help in something" he said rolling his eyes, his mother looked at him with a confused expression "We?" she asked and with that jungkook moved aside revealing the beautiful omega who was holding a child. His mother smiled seeing taehyung "OMG taehyung sweetie I missed you so much" the woman said making the young boy blush, she went to hug him but stopped when she saw that the omega was holding a child, taehyung realized her confusion and said,

" Good evening Luna I'm sorry for coming uninvited to your house but jungkook insisted to come to you, you see I went with him to the training grounds to play with the pups and then learned that my baby Draco was sick, I rushed to see how was he but what I saw anger me there was a nurse who didn't even care for the child's health, my poor baby was suffering and I was not going to leave him there, so I took him with me so I can take a proper care of his health " as soon as tae ended his sentence the Luna's calm face turned into an angry face" It is very unpleasant to hear something like that, I want nurses to pay full attention to children, I find this nurse's behaviour unacceptable" she paused  for a little then looked at the pup who was peacefully sleeping in the omega's embrace.

"he seems pretty clam around you, I once tried to calm him down when he was crying and I couldn't" she said giggling "I don't know why I'm so protective of him either but I can feel that we share a special connection" tae smiled "come with me upstairs dear to lie down the child so that he has a better sleep in the meantime I will call the maid to bring a bowl of cold water and a small towel to help the fever come down". "Thank you my Luna you are so kind" the omega smiled softy at the woman gaining a blush from the Luna surprising jungkook, because his eomma wasn't very open person she was a sassy and cold lady, very confident, she must really like someone to show her soft side and what made jungkook shocked was that his eomma seems to have a soft spot for Kim taehyung and he didn't like that because everyone seems to love him but why? He didn't have anything special... At least that was what jungkook thought.

The Luna and Taehyung walked upstairs leaving jungkook alone in the living room, the true blood was bored so he opened his phone to play some mobile games, the sun outside was slowly going down and the day turned into a night and without realizing the true blood was asleep on the couch, he was so calm his expression was so soft that his bunny teeth was showing the sight was so cute and thankful taehyung was there to see it, he  He was thirsty and went down to get a glass of water when he saw a very sweet sight, it was the first time he saw jungkook sleeping and being so calm without trying to look imposing and scary he was so vulnerable and so cute. Tae walked closer to the couch and sat on the corner admiring  jungkook, he really wanted to go to him and hug him and cuddle together, these past days he was dreaming having him close to him, smelling his scent and feeling his warmth around his body. His wolf seems to like the other's company and who was taehyung to deny it? No one so he did the one thing that came to his mind kiss jungkook on the forehead.

He thought that jungkook was deep in sleep, so he wouldn't understand anything.... Mistake... Big mistake!!! Because jungkook was very much awake the moment taehyung's foot touched the living room but decided to act like he was sleeping, don't ask the reason he didn't know either. Let's just say that he wanted to see the other's reaction, when he felt taehyung seating close to him his wolf howl in excitement but when the young boy kissed his forehead his wolf has howling in happiness and jungkook felt his heart beat increases but still didn't move he waited for the other boy to talk and that's exactly what the pretty boy did.

"Look at you... you are so cute and so calm when you don't want to hurt or yell at me. I don't know why you don't want to show your true side to people and you mask your soft personality behind the true blood's title, I know it's hard because everyone is waiting for you to be perfect, strong and mature except from you being the most powerful wolf in the pack, in a short time you will take on the role of your father and become the leader of the pack. I don't know why you hate me but I only want to be friends with you, I want to be there for you, comfort you, cuddle you, calm you and also.... kiss you. " taehyung said blushing, he didn't know why but he can say that he had a small crush on the hot true blood. Hearing his words jungkook felt warm,

No one, not even his hyungs were able to see through him even though they knew him since they were little like taehyung did, he was right about everything, jungkook wasn't always like that cold and heartless, something must have happened to him in the past. .. but that's another time thing. Through all this talk there was something that jungkook didn't like the word 'friends', he didn't want to be friends with taehyung, he basically didn't know what relationship he wanted to have with tae.

Before he can get lost more in his thoughts he heard taehyung sigh "I shouldn't be here...." the boy said with a low voice more like a whisper and tried to get I said  TRIED to get up because once he made a movement to leave a strong veiny hand held his petit and delicate hand throwing him over a hard chest and specifically on jungkook's chest, a small scream left the omega's mouth from the sudden fall, scared that he will fall on the floor the boy shut his eyes waiting for his body to touch the floor, but this never happened because he was faced two strong arms wrapped around his small waist bringing hints closer to jungkook. Taehyung was shocked he couldn't realize what was happening, he tried to look at jungkook just to see him asleep? "Jungkook what are you doing?" tae asked but he got ignored in return, he looked the position he was in and blushed madly, because he was hugging jungkook actually more like jungkook was hugging him but yeah you get it. Tae felt special and wanted to enjoy their moments because this was one of their very rare moments, so he just closed his eyes and pushed himself closer to the other. The moment the two bodies touched there was a sparkle that was released on both bodies making the two wolves feel euphoric.

Taehyung's heart was beating faster, he felt his body burning at the feeling. All this time a big boxy smile was decorating his lips, he was happy and this position made him gain a little confident so he decided to bury his head in jungkook's neck kissing it softly making the man under him groan a little but what left his lips  made the omega's heart break into a million pieces "Fuck Vivian you are such a turn on".

Hello my beautiful people I hope you enjoyed my chapter I made it long because I took so many days to update. Pls vote and comment to tell me how you feel. Do you like the turn the story took? I would like you to tell me what you would like to see in the next chapter to give me some ideas. I purple you all 💜💜💜💜💜.

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