Chapter 16

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3rd person pov

~Ding dong~

"OMG they are here" the three boys said and run towards the door taehyung opened the door to see four hot guys looking at him "holy shit" he said he couldn't believe his eyes he knows that jungkook is hot but he didn't know he was that much, jin and jimin were drolling over namjoon and suga, they seriously couldn't take their eyes of of them. "Mmm excuse me, but hasn't anyone told you that staring at someone like that is rude?" namjoon said and laughed at the boys faces, they were red from embarrassment, taehyung did opened fully the door so the alphas couldn't see the others outfits.

"Come in" taehyung said opening the door fully now making the alphas lose their words "y-y-ou l-l-l" namjoon tried to say but couldn't. "we look stunning we know now come in" Jin said smirking, jungkook couldn't take his eyes off of taehyung, he was so beautiful and so sexy "excuse me but hasn't anyone told you that is rude to staring at someone like that?" jimin said making the boys more embarrassed, they slowly walked in the house they sat on the leaving room, jungkook beside taehyung, jin beside namjoon and jimin between J-hope and suga." So who are we waiting?" suga asked," we wait for minho and Lucas they haven't come yet, I think they take their time to dress up because they want to impress someone" Jin turned and looked at taehyung, who looked down blushing, and jimin turned to look at J-hope who surprisingly was blushing too.

Jungkook's pov

How can he look like that? So unreal? He hair are looking so soft that I want to touch them, his lips look so sweet that I want to kiss them and his body so perfect that I want to fuck him in oblivion. Fuckkkk what is happening to me? Am I sick? He shouldn't be wearing that it's too short, what if that minho take advantage of it and try to touch him? No I won't left that happen he is only my game, my toy, only I can play with him. But there is a thing I don't understand my wolf from the moment he saw minho start growling and acting crazy maybe he understood that he is no good to taehyung because he only growls when he is close to him, anyway I should keep an eye on him. I turned my look away from taehyung to look at namjoon and Jin, I don't like that my bro is with a sassy and scary person like him but he makes him happy and that's what important to me, I hide at smile when I saw hyung trying to kiss him but instead of a kiss he got slapped not to hard of course but it was funny to watch. I turned again my look away only to see yoongi hyung trying to cover jimin's laps, I think I caught him saying 'I don't want people to see those legs they are mine' well... I don't like the way he acts but I can't do anything about it.... At least from now.

After some time the door bell rang and taehyung ran to open the door, why is he so excited about? The door opened and minho with Lucas walked in. Minho was in a fancy suit when Lucas was wearing tight jeans with a short top... not bad. The moment he saw taehyung his eyes were stack on him and I didn't like it, he took his arm slowly and brought it close to his mouth kissing it while saying 'good evening pup' what a disgusting thing to see, I can do much better. What? Wtf am I saying. I looked at them and then talked "when your done with your lovely shits come on the table I'm hungry" I said walking on the table not sparing them a glance.

3rd person pov

Lucas said 'hi' to everyone and went closer to J-hope "Hello hoseok you look handsome tonight" he said shyly, making J-hope smile at him "I can say the same for you too, you look so beautiful" he said making the other blush "you should wear outfits like that more often" he continued, Lucas nodded and walked towards the kitchen to help Jin with the food. Taehyung was seating between jungkook and minho for some weird reason he felt jk glaring at minho, he tried not to think much about it and talk with minho. "So hyung your an alpha right?", "yes pup, I'm an alpha but a very strong one because in my old pack I was in the army, so I had to train every day" he said smiling "Woww hyung that's so awesome" taehyung said giggling making jungkook roll his eyes "it's not that difficult ungly face I'm training and working out all day how do you think I maintain this body?", taehyung's eyes became teary hearing the others nickname.

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