Chapter 20

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Jungkook's pov

I was walking towards the locker room when I heard someone crying for help, my wolf was alerted and so was I, I ran inside only to face an alpha trying to undress my taehyung. My eyes darken, turning red, my wolf taking over, 'how dare he touch what's mine' jk growled he run towards the alpha and punched him hard in the face shouting "HOW DARE YOU TOUCH MY PROPERTY", he yelled kicking and punching the guy non-stop not letting him breathe or give him any time to fight back.

I can understand his anger, I am angry too, I wanted to kil that guy but jk didn't give the control back to me.... Shitttt 'Jk give me back the control', 'not until I kill this asshole, who touched my baby', 'I want to do it give me back the control', 'NO' after that jk shut our mindlink, I couldn't do anything... now no-one can stop him, the guy was half dead when taehyung's voice run past my ears sending shivers down my body, I froze at my place, he yell my name.... He... he said he needed me.

I could feel jk calming down, he looked back at taehyung seeing him half fainted and run towards him, holding him in his arms 'pup are you okay?' he said worried and for some weird reason I felt that too, taehyung didn't talk he was just looking at me or more specifically my eyes he looked so lost in them, jk tried again "pup you are safe now please talk to me". Taehyung smiled and said with a weak voice,             

" You........ are not jungkook, jungkook would...... never help me" his was giving me a sad smile and at that moment I felt something breaking inside of me 'asshole', jk said through our mindlink 'shut up' I said "well let me introduce myself to you my beauty, I'm jk jungkook's wolf", "nice to meet you jk, thanks for helping me, I don't know what would happen if you didn't arrive in time" he said his eyes getting tearing again.

3rd person pov

Taehyung was crying again shaking in jk's arms, the true blood held the younger man letting him seat on his laps. He whispered sweet and comforting words close to his ear while he was running circles around his back to calm him down. The warmth  that came from jungkook's body was so comforting and so relaxing that made taehyung stop crying, he raised his head and looked at jk "your eyes are so... beautiful" he said making both wolf and human shocked, they didn't expect something like that no one and I mean no one had ever said that to jungkook, everyone saw him as a monster because of his strength, power and figure and then... there was taehyung... telling him how beautiful his eyes were.

Jungkook took back the control from jk and his eyes turned to his normal color making taehyung gasp, he looked the other way thinking he hurted jk by his words "look at me tae" jungkook said with a calm voice surprising taehyung "I didn't mean to upset jk he was so good to me, I'm sorry" tae said looking at jungkook with sad puppy eyes, jungkook felt his wolf screaming from happiness  he gave a small smile to taehyung and said "don't worry he isn't upset, on the contrary he is very happy for what you said", jungkook helped him stand up and sat him on the bench  taehyung looked at the half dead body of Jayson, the pleasure he felt when he saw him with a bloody nose, black eye and probably broken ribs too made him smirk "you know jungkook for a weird reason I don't pity him, he really deserved it" he said completely shocking jungkook, of course the younger wouldn't forgive that disgusting man but he didn't expect him to enjoy seeing him like this .

Before jungkook can say anything back the school's bell rang he quickly helped taehyung dressed up, he didn't want anyone to see the omega's body it was only for his eyes to see. They walked out of the locker room ignoring completely Jayson's condition, the true blood had his muscle arm around the waist of taehyung holding him tight to support him because he was still shaking a little bit. "Do you want me to call your hyung?" jungkook asked, "No, I don't want him to worry about me, I'll just call him and tell him I'll go home and skip school for today he will probably shout at me but I can't stay here any longer" he ended his sentence with a pout making jungkook want to hit his head on the wall for finding it cute "how about we both skip and go to the pack grounds? , I'm sure you'll be happy to play with the pups, hmm?" he said giving a small bunny smile in the end.

Taehyung was left speechless, why the sudden change in the way he behaves towards him? Did something bad happened to him? Maybe.... maybe he hit his head somewhere in his house? Or.... Fell down? There was no way the jungkook he knows can be this good... first he saved him, then helped him to calm down and now offering to skip class for them to go play with the pups? Taehyung couldn't take it anymore and asked tentatively "Why... why are you being nice to me today? Are.... are.. you okay?" his face was showing that he was scared for the older's answer making the true blood amused by his actions. So he decided to play a little with him, he crucified his arms in front of his chest, his eyes now losing the shine they had before replacing it with coldness, tae gasp in fear.

"Ohhh petal, you think I'm being nice to you?" jungkook said with a sarcastic smile making taehyung nod his head a little bit "ohhh you are so....... wrong" his voice now sounding cold and distant tae shiver by that "My wolf saved you not me and not because he cared for you or something but because you are his pack member, a true alpha never leaves his pack unprotected... even if it's... you" the true blood said his face now showing disgust, breaking taehyung hearts. 'of couse he didn't care... what else did you expect taehyung ah? Idiot' taehyung said to himself upset he himself didn't know why. "I'm sorry alpha for troubling you, I'll try to be more careful next time" he said bowing his head down to show submission, jungkook was taken aback by his action,

'you surely are an asshole', jk mindlink jungkook 'he called me alpha' jungkook answer shocked 'I know it's hot but do something before he starts crying, if he does I swear I'll take control and fuck him', jk said smirking through their mindlink 'don't you dare, that's my job' he said angry, the realization hit him hard " What the fuck?"he shouted" A-alpha are you okay? "taehyung asked his voice shaking, the older looked at tae who was now looking at him in the eyes, his eyes were light blue like the sea and jungkook felt like losing himself in those eyes, without knowing he leaned closer to taehyung's face the younger stood still he couldn't move even if he wanted to, his body had forzen. 

A part of him was waiting for jungkook to kiss him he was hoping for him to kiss him but another part of him knew that even if he kissed him he knew that jungkook would regret it and after that he would threaten him not to tell anyone like the  last time something similar happened. However his desire for the older's lips won and he leaned in too, jungkook saw that and smirked "Waiting for a kiss petal?" he said seductively "yes.... please" the younger wanted to punch himself in the face for begging the other to kiss him but he couldn't couldn't do anything to prevent it. Jungkook from the other side did everything in his power to keep himself sane and not attack the younger,

He was getting hard, the way the other begged him to kissed him made him weak but he put aside his desire to kiss him and backed away "Well you aren't getting one" jk leaned back with a smirk leaving taehyung shocked but he wasn't getting any of jungkook's teasing, he grabbed him by his collar and kissed his lips passionate. The true blood's mind went black not even in his wildest dreams did he expect the younger to kiss him, he didn't kissed back for a moment but when he understood what was happening he smirked pulled the other closer to him by his waist and kissed him back passionately taking the lead making the omega moan at the feeling.

After a hot make out session tae pushed back jungkook realization hitting him he looked at him for a second before he ran outside the school blushing shouting "I'll be waiting for you in the car", jungkook smiled at the omega's cuteness and chuckled at his actions, he shook his head  and walked towards the school's gate following tae to his car.

Omgggg this was a long chapter, I hope you like it bc I'm not sure if I'm pleased by that but I hope you are😁. Please vote and comment to tell me how you feel about the chapter and the plot, also if you want to know when I'll update again follow too. I purple you all 💜💜💜💜💜💜.

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