Chapter 24

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3rd person pov

At that moment jungkook's body was frozen he tried to open his mouth to talk but his eomma beat him to it and knelt down to taehyung hugging him and kissing his head whispering 'sorry' again and again. "HOW DARE YOU" Jin said and punched jungkook in the face "Jin" namjoon tried but Jin wasn't having it "DONT JIN ME NAMJOON YOUR ASSHOLE OF A FRIEND CROSSED THE LINE" jin said looking jungkook dead in the eyes giving Jimin the chance to run towards taehyung "Tae baby are you okay? Talk to me do you want me to take you home? What happened?" Jimin bombarded Tae with questions, the omega was still dizzy but put himself together not wanting any pity or sympathy from the others in the room,

"Don't worry chim I'll be fine but for now please take me home" Jimin tried to lift Tae up but couldn't he didn't have muscles like alphas and because of that jhope lifted Tae holding him in brital style "don't touch h-" jk tried "SILENCE" the alpha shouted shuting jungkook up, he then turned his head now looking at Jin " I'm terribly sorry for my son's behavior, I don't know what got into him, please take taehyung home to rest I'll give you a week to rest from school and Jin talk with your brother, also if he needs anything don't hesitate to contact me" the alpha said softly.

Jin stopped glaring at jungkook for a moment changing his expression to a small smile "thank you for your concern alpha" Jin replied "no worries my child.." he paused for a little before he takes a few steps close to Tae who was still in the hands of jhope "my child I don't know what happened to you but I can see it in your eyes that you are broken" the alpha said staring deep inside taehyung's eyes the younger looked away, it was true he was broken many things happened, first someone tried to rape him, second his introduction with jk, third his fight with the nurse because of Draco and now... he had to deal with a broken heart too. " You seriously saying that right now ? It's obviously that he is, how would you react if the person you saved you from a rape told you that he should have let you there to get raped?" the Luna answered back her voice was broken but also cold and dangerous her eyes were burning both from disappointment and rage he couldn't believe that her son would say something like that, she couldn't believe that her son would even dare to hurt an omega she just couldn't....

A flashback with jungkook's words hit both Jimin and Jin, both of them were so absorbed by his violent act that their minds had clouded and they didn't catch his hurtful words but when they did their eyes changed colors scaring everyone in the room, jimin's eyes changed to green and jin's to pink both growled at jungkook catching him off guard "don't growl at me omegas, you can't do anything to me I'm a true blood" jungkook said growling back at them scaring them a little but they didn't moved back the others were shocked omegas should have at least step back in fear but these two were just standing there untill taehyung spoke "Jin hyung jiminie stop I'm okay calm down we will talk about these matter at home yeah?" he said and almost immediately the two omegas eyes went back to normal, they looked at him and nodded there heads getting closer to tae.

"Taehyung dear rest well, I'll take care of everything yeah?" the Luna said winking at him and Tae quickly understood the reason, he gave her a small smile and said "thank you" then he turned his head towards jungkook " You! If you ever come near me again or even talk to me I swear to moon goddess that I will not hesitate to kill you Jeon enough is enough you crossed the line too many times with me, I maybe in the past was to weak to fight you but not anymore I am whole and that means that your silly game is over... , don't say I didn't warn you " Tae smirked or more like V smirked because V had the control of taehyung's body his eyes now bright blue but only for a few seconds and that's because V didn't want to reveal himself yet but jungkook caught that quick change even tho he was frozen in his place again, for some strange reason, V's words made something crack inside him making a new emotion find his way in his cold heart and that emotion was fear.

After that taehyung, Jimin and Jin said goodbye to the alpha, Luna and the other alphas there except jungkook and left the house with the help of hoseok, who put taehyung in the car kissing his forehead wishing him a 'good recovery' and returning back to the pack house. Hoseok didn't know why he kissed taehyung but the boy seemed so vulnerable in his arms that he felt the need to protect him from anything bad that came in his way even if this 'bad' was his childhood friend.

Suga's pov

After jungkook's text Jin got worried and wanted to leave school as soon as possible but I told namjoon to calm him down, we waited for the school to end before texting jungkook to know about his whereabouts. My last class was with Jimin I couldn't help but notice how handsome he is, his face is adorable as he rested his head on his hand trying not to sleep, his eyes blinked slowly, trying to concentrate on the lesson, his lips were slightly pink and that's because he bit them from time to time to keep himself awake, I don't know why instead of sleeping I waste my time looking at him but I don't regret it, there is something that draws me to him, as if it invites me to solve it as if it is a book of hidden secrets, stories and adventures.

Luckily my day with him was quiet, he didn't cause any problems and no one tried to approach him. For some time I removed my gaze from jimin to text jungkook to ask him where he is, he took a while to answer me but he told me that he was heading to the pack house. Minutes later the bell rang and I left the classroom with Jimin following behind me, when we arrived at the gate we saw namjoon and Jin making out.... disgusting.... I seriously wanted to throw up "Jimin close your eyes, if you keep watching I'm sure you'll start having nightmares about that" I said and he laughed at my comment nodding his head closing his eyes. Both mates stopped what they were doing embarrassed... Ahhhh I can't with them " where is j-hope?" I asked trying to change the atmosphere "he took Lucas home, don't worry he said that he will meet as in the pack house in a bit" namjoon said and I nodded my head.

We all walked to the car and drove back to the pack house, our ride was quite... well kind of, Jin was anxious his hands were shaking he kept saying that something bad is going to happen to taehyung but I didn't take it seriously, I know how overprotective Jin can be.

Twenty minutes later we arrived at the pack house's gate we were ready to step in but we heard a voice shouting at us from afar "guys wait" hoseok shouted and ran towards us "come let's go in I'm starting to get nervous" Jimin said and we walked inside but when we entered we were surprised to see Tae talking to jungkook or rather arguing about something, I never expected in my life to see a small boy like taehyung shouting to a huge guy like jungkook, I knew from their faces that something was off,

I saw jungkook's face turn red from anger but what he did next took me by surprise he slapped taehyung on the face with all his strength shouting something I really hoped was a lie "I SOULD HAVE LEFT YOU IN THE GYM ROOM TO GET RAPED, IF I DID THAT MAYBE NOW YOUR MOUTH WOULDN'T BE THIS DARING" he said and I swear my soul left my body. It could never be true such a thing right? Jungkook wouldn't say something like this, disappointed I turned my head to the other side.. Ohhhh my moon goddess... I really hoped I didn't did that, the reason? Jungkook's parents were right behind him, his father burning with rage and his eomma crying and then was when I knew that the whole hell was gonna break free.

Hiii my lovely armys I hope you all are good and liked my chapter if you did pls vote, comment and follow for more. I want to let you know that I'll be busy with my final exams so I'll update after they are done, which is in a month but don't worry I'll try to make the next chapter more interesting for you all. Pls understand me, if you are a student and have exams good luck. I purple u all. 💜💜💜

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