Chapter 26

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3rd person pov

Jin was putting the plates on the table when both Jimin and Tae walked down the stairs seating on their chairs "oh you are finally here, what took you so long?" Jin asked the boys "we were just talking about something Jin hyung" Jimin said with a smile, he didn't want to expose their conversation from earlier to Jin because he didn't know if taehyung was ready to open up to his hyung too. "what about?" Jin asked again "I was telling Jimin that I wanted to do a makeover, what do you think hyung?" taehyung said with a smile surprising both males "what kind of makeover you want taebear?" Jin asked now seating on his chair " I actually want to change my hair color, my clothes style and start using make up" Tae said blushing "ohhhhhh It seems to me that someone is in loveeeeeeeee" Jin said smirking at Tae making his face turn even more read "n-no hyung I'm not", "yeah yeah sure" Jimin said smirking "stop smirking" Tae said.

"How about we go shopping tomorrow with Luca?" Jin suggested "really?" taehyung said his eyes now shining from the excitement. "yeah I want us all to have some great time together it's been a while" Jin said "now eat so we can watch a movie and then go to sleep we have a busy day tomorrow" he continues "oki hyungie", "okay hyungie". The table was calm, no one was talking, but it wasn't awkward when they finished eating, they gathered their plates, washed the dishes and sat together on the couch to watch a movie. Jimin was the one who chose the film "Maleficent" a Disney movie.

Taehyung's pov

(You can skip this part until you see this 👍 again)
I love Maleficent the plot is very interesting and so emotional and I will explain why. Maleficent is a powerful fairy living in the Moors, a magical forest realm bordering a human kingdom. As a child, she meets a human peasant boy named Stefan, and they both fall in love with each other. However, as they get older, the two grow apart, with Stefan's love being overshadowed by his ambition to be a king, while Maleficent becomes the protector of the Moors.

When King Henry, the ruler of the human kingdom, attempts to conquer the Moors, Maleficent mortally wounds him, forcing his retreat. On his deathbed, Henry declares that whoever kills Maleficent will be named his successor and marry his daughter Leila. Stefan visits Maleficent in the Moors and drugs her, but cannot bring himself to kill her. He instead cuts off her wings, presenting them to Henry as "proof" of her death. While still processing the betrayal, Maleficent saves Diaval, a trapped raven, from being killed by a farmer by turning him into a human. Diaval offers her his service, and brings her news of Stefan's coronation. Furious to learn why her wings were taken, Maleficent, and the Moors she protects, becomes dark and bitter.

Some time later, Diaval informs Maleficent about the christening of Stefan's newborn daughter, Aurora. Maleficent arrives uninvited and curses the infant princess, declaring that on her 16th birthday, she will prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and fall into an eternal sleep. Maleficent mocks Stefan's plea for mercy, but offers an antidote; the curse can be broken by true love's kiss, which she and Stefan both believe does not exist. Stefan orders three pixies, Knotgrass, Flittle, and Thistlewit, to hide and protect Aurora in a forest cottage until the day after her sixteenth birthday. He also destroys every spinning wheel in the kingdom, hiding their remnants in the castle dungeon; he then sends his armies to find and kill Maleficent, but she surrounds the Moors with a wall of thorns. Over the years, Stefan grows obsessed with killing Maleficent and gradually loses his sanity, even refusing to see his own wife on her deathbed.

Meanwhile, Maleficent and Diaval watch Aurora grow from afar, and secretly begin to take over care of her from the incompetent and neglectful pixies. After several face-to-face encounters with Maleficent, whom she believes to be her "fairy godmother", Aurora bonds with her and starts to regularly visit the Moors. Realizing she hasn't the heart to hurt Aurora, Maleficent privately and unsuccessfully attempts to revoke the curse, forgetting that she stated "no power on earth" can do so. Some time later, Aurora meets Phillip, a prince from the neighboring kingdom, and both are mildly attracted to each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2023 ⏰

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