Chapter 17

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3rd person pov

Taehyung went running to jin's room he locked the door and threw himself on the bed crying "what did I do to deserve this?" he said "why can't I find my mate? , why can't no one treat me with love except my hyungs? Am I not worth it?" taehyung continued, jungkook was acting so possessive over him for no reason. He can't understand what he really wants for him, jungkook is so difficult to understand and taehyung is so innocent and so sensitive that can't handle his mood changes. After some time he walked to the mirror close to jin's bed, he raised his head and saw himself. His eyes were red, his lips were swollen, his neck was hurting from the dark hickey which was placed on him by the true blood.

'You look so vulnerable pup' taehyung turned his head to see who was talking but he saw no one 'look in the mirror love' it was a deep but relaxing voice that was calling him he turned again to the mirror and saw himself but with purple eyes and silver hair "wow, you are beautiful" taehyung said and smile making the other laugh at his cuteness 'oh so now you can see how beautiful you are ah?' taehyung blush and looked away for a little "you are my wolf aren't you?", 'yes I'm, my name is V' "nice to meet you V", 'Actually I was here since your 10th birthday but you couldn't feel me much', " oh and why is that?" V looked and him and smiled 'because I was gaining my strength and powers', " what? Powers? We don't have powers V" tae said laughing, V just sigh it was too early for anyone to know about their powers,

'I was kidding love don't worry, now that you have me it will be easier to find your mate, you'll still have to wait until your 18th birthday but with my help you'll be able to sense his smell', taehyung was so happy to know that, maybe he had a chance to be happy after all "So you're telling that from now on you will be here for me?", 'yeah love, I will be there for you always, to talk, to live and to protect you but you have to learn how to be a bad bitch like me', V said will smirking "but you aren't bad you are actually pretty good" taehyung said looking at V with puppy eyes 'I'm acting like that only because of you, I want you to not be afraid of me, but know one thing for now on when I feel you're in danger or you need help with something I will take control', "I'm okay with that I already love you, I'm glad that now I have someone to protect me and be there for me, well except my family you know I don't want to bother them with my problems",

'oh believe me that the true blood Alpha is a big problem but don't worry, I'll fix his behavior ', V said smirking,' now love put some make up on your neck and go downstairs, and don't even look at jungkook go and seat on minho's laps and don't move he won't do anything ', "No V I'm scared he already did that to me if I disobey him he'll do worse",' don't you trust me? ', "of course I trust you but-",' great now go do what I said, and remember whatever you need I'm hear you know we can talk through mind link', "yes I know thank you V" taehyung said and smiled and seconds after that he looked himself in the mirror, V had left but now taehyung could feel him.

Like V said tae put some make up on jungkook's hickey, washed his face and smiled at himself for some reason he could feel himself more confident, he opened the door and went downstairs where the others were eating, once they show him they stopped and looked at him "tae baby are you okay?" Jin asked "of course hyungie why wouldn't I be?" tae said smiling surprising everyone with his next move, he went to minho and sat on his laps making jungkook boil in anger. How dare he disobey him? How dare he, go and seat on his laps? He was going to regret it "minho hyungie you don't mind me seating in your laps right?" he said looking at him with his puppy eyes "of course not pup" he smiled, jungkook was ready to get up and go to them but namjoon looked at him with a murderous glare.

After eating they all sat on the living room talking about silly things, minho was cuddling with taehyung and jungkook was throwing death glares at them, while namjoon and Jin were making out with each other. On the other side suga was sleeping, he had his head on jimin's laps while jimin was playing with his hair and Lucas were dancing with hoseok for no particular reason. "Mr. Jeon I have a suspicion that you want to kill me" minho said "wow I'm impressed I didn't know you could read minds" jungkook said smirking at him, minho wasn't afraid of him but jungkook's aura was something else so dark and so dominant. Taehyung was kind of sleeping, he was half asleep and half awake, so he could still hear the others talking "it's already late, it's midnight we need to get back to the pack house boys alpha and Luna will be worried if we get even more late" namjoon said while holding jin's waist "yeah I think that ALL of us should leave" jk said looking directly into minho's eyes "well yeah the boys should get some rest too if you leave I'll leave too" he said looking back at jungkook.

"OK then J-hope stop dancing and come here, jungkook get up and someone please wake up yoongi" namjoon said making everyone gasped "do I look like I want to die namjoon? Yoongi IS SLEEPING, we can't wake him up he will kill us" J-hope said, "you have a point here but I can't do much, someone has to wake him up" namjoon said looking at the people on the living room when his eyes landed on jimin "jimin I think you should wake him up" rm said,

"what? Why me?" jimin said scared "well, he probably won't kill you if you wake him up" namjoon said "but we are not sure about it, right ?"he said" kind of "rm said while smiling apologetically, jimin sigh" ok but you have to leave the living room, we don't know what he will do" the others nodded their heads and left  jimin with a sleepy yoongi preying to the moon goddess for his life.

Jimin's pov

I was looking at suga's peaceful face, he looks like a cute kitty when he is sleeping, I played a little more with his hair. After some minutes I placed my mouth close to his ear and whispered "sugaa it's time to wake up" I said softly but he just ignore it, I tried again "suga you have to leave the others are waiting for you" I said but what he did shocked me, he turn his body closer to mine and hugged my waist, hiding his head on my stomach, I was blushing so hard by now "so they chose to sacrifice you ah?" a deep voice sounded in the room, I flinched "W-what", "you probably know that if someone tries to wake me up, ends up dead, right?" he said and my legs start shaking.

"Don't worry baby, I won't hurt you just let me sleep in your thick thighs" he said and I swear I can feel him smirking "I wouldn't mind that but you have to go back to the pack house, namjoon said that alpha and Luna will be worried if you get even more late" I said while caressing his cheek, he raised his head to look at me "alright mochi I'll leave" he said and got up "but you were pretty calm, you don't seem so deadly as they say" I said looking at him confused "oh believe me if it wasn't you, I would have already kill that person, so consider yourself lucky because I like you" he said and came closer to my face he bent down and kissed my cheek and then left without saying anything leaving me speechless.

Hello my beautiful people, look I finally updated! I didn't update the other day I said so because the chapter was small, so I wanted to write more that's why I'm updating today. Hope you like my chapter, pls vote, comment and follow. I purple you all💜💜💜💜

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