Chapter 18

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3rd person pov

The others were waiting yoongi at the door, minho was hugging taehyung saying goodbye "see you tomorrow pup" he said and kissed taehyung's cheek making jungkook growl at him, minho looked and smirked at him "okie hyungie see you tomorrow" tae giggle, namjoon gave Jin a goodbye kiss and left he he saw yoongi coming towards the door "finally you are awake" J-hope said "yeah yeah now let's go before I murder someone" with that all the alphas left the house, leaving the four omegas.

"Taehyung are you ok?" jimin asked, he saw that taehyung was in his own world like he was thinking about something "oh aa yeah I'm fine chim let's clean the mess and go sleep I'm tired" he said with a smile "I'll help you clean and then leave because it's really late" Lucas said "oh no, you are not going anywhere, you'll stay with us tonight we have clothes don't worry" Jin said and smiled at Luca.

The time now was 2am and the omegas just end cleaning jimin went to sleep with taehyung and Luca went to cuddle with Jin. The night was peaceful everyone was tired and slept immediately but tae was still awake he wanted to talk with his wolf he got attached very quickly 'V are you there?' he said 'I'm always here idiot' always here idiot' V said making taehyung laugh a little 'can i ask you something?', 'of course flower ask me' taehyung blush at the nickname his wolf very flirty 'what will happen if jungkook try to hurt me tommorow? I know he doesn't like minho but I don't know the reason', he continue talking through their mindlink,

'I'll be there to protect you, I'll make him beg for your forgiveness flower, I told you do as you like I'll always protect you', be there to protect you, I'll make him beg for your forgiveness flower, I told you do as you like I'll always protect you', taehyung smiled an nodded his head 'thank you V, I love you goodnight', 'I love you too flower sleep well' with that tae closed his eyes and cuddle with jimin drifting into dreamland.

~with the alphas ~

Yoongi's pov

We were inside the car talking about what happened tonight, actually jungkook was talking about taehyung and how much he hated the other being close to our teacher "... and then I saw taehyung on top of him seating on his laps and him hugging his waist. How dare he touch my toy ah?", "are you sure that he is just a toy to you jungkook?" rm said, I kind of agree with him I never saw jungkook acting like that, getting jealous over someone, he always play around with girls, have sex, drinking, this days he wasn't done any of that but my thoughts were interrupted by jungkook's voice" what happened with jimin"he asked me "what do you mean?" I said not wanting to talk about jimin at the moment "you didn't kill him when he woke you up, why?" jungkook said raising his one eyebrow "well..... I was still sleepy and didn't want to fight with him so I just left" I said and I saw him nodding his head.

After some time we arrived back at the pack house I said goodbye and walked towards my room, I was very sleepy. I opened my room's door and entered my room, I changed my clothes and I laid down on my bed, I closed my eyes but for some weird reason I couldn't sleep my wolf was energetic for some reason and that's rare he is pretty much like me, sleepy and bored most of the time but when it comes to battle or training he becomes a killing machine. Jimin was always in my head not leaving for a moment, this little mochi is something unique something special, he is so innocent yet so sassy. My wolf feels happy when I'm around him but I don't know why, his eye smile, his feminine body, big ass makes me want to keep him to myself.

'Listen here carefully, you should do anything in your hand to keep jimin and his wolf safe' i heard my wolf say 'why?' I asked him confused 'he is very special many will try to hurt him, don't let them reach him' he said seriously 'how do you know that?' he is acting very weird out of nowhere 'it doesn't matter, at the moment just know that you, the two alpha friends of yours and the true blood need to protect this three omegas, they are very important', okay wtf is going on? Them special? Important? What are they? 'And why we should protect them?' I asked, I might find jimin cute but I still think he is weak and useless, omegas can't do much after all 'You'll find out soon' he said and cut our connection, well that was very weird, maybe I should talk about it with the others too.... yeah that's what I'll do tomorrow.

3rd person pov

"Alpha I found out were the omegas are hiding" the beta said kneeling in front of his alpha "Where?" his alpha said coldly "they are hiding on the true blood's pack" the alpha laughed darkly at that "How cute, they think the true blood can save them for me" he laughed again "keep an eye on them, find everything about them, their house, friends everything you can" the beta bowed down at him and said "of couse alpha as you want, do you want us to start your plan?", "No, not now let them enjoy their freedom for now" he smirked "As you like my alpha" the beta said and left "Watch your backs omegas, you will not be spared this time" the alpha start laughing hysterically his eyes getting bigger, he was completely insane.

Hello my beautiful people, I hope you liked this chapter, pls vote, comment and follow if you like this book. Does anyone have any idea who is the alpha or what his plan is? Are our omegas in danger?

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