Chapter 2

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Taehyung's pov

The third class ended and it was time for lunch, me and my hyungs went to cafeteria to eat "what do you think about this school chimchim? " I ask him "well I think it's okay I made a friend too", "what? Who? When? How?"I said, "chill my child" eomma said "well his name is Lucas he is an omega and I met him in the hallway. I was walking to our maths class when I saw someone kicking  and yelling at him, I knew he was an alpha but I don't like people getting hurt so I went to help him"jimin said and we nodded our heads.


Jimin's pov

I was at my locker getting my books when I heard someone crying, I locked it and  followed the noise, with every step I've done I went closer to the noise. But what I saw shocked me "HEY WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING LEAVE HIM ALONE" I said and I ran down to the crying boy I hug him and whispered to his ear 'calm down I am here, you are safe' he hugged me tight and said 'thank you' then the scary man said "well, well look this small kitten", "shut up I am not a kitten" I said  blushing a little "who do you think you are? , you're just an ugly ass omega weak and pathetic and I am an alpha" he said with his alpha voice I was scared to death but I couldn't show it to him,

"let's teach you a lesson shall we?"he smirk and grabbed me and pushed me in the locker he kicked me hard in my stomach and I fall on my knees, I tried not to cry in front of him but the pain was too much "SO PATHETIC" he said with a venomous voice and bent down on my level whispering in my ear "we will meet each other soon kitten.... just wait.... " and with that he left, "omg I am so so so sorry this is all my fault do you want me to help  you reach the nurse's office? Can you walk? "the boy said and I smiled at him , "no I am okay thank you" I said and he helped me stand up "I'm Lucas what's your name?", "Jimin, Park Jimin", "nice to meet you and thanks for helping me many passed by but no one dare to help me", "your welcome, mmm would you like to be my friend?" I gave him a weak smile because I was still hurting "of course, you'll be my first friend","wait you never had a friend?", "no, I'm not a very social person"he said with a sad voice and I thought of something to make his mood better," would you like to eat lunch with me and my friends?"

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