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author: TW // literally just tw idek what to say without giving anything away

also omg i didn't cram this chapter and it's edited (mostly)! are you proud of me :)


and then there were two.

lauren and jaeden sat in room 708 after hours of searching for chris evans who they also found out was dead. the couple didn't know what to do with john's body, were they going to keep him in the room? throw him out? stuff it him in a box and throw him in the ocean? who knows, but one thing's for sure, olivia could never find out.

eventually, jaeden was able to talk to chris hemsworth, the only other good chris, who said he'd bring john's body to the morgue. then this weekend, they would have a proper funeral for the boy.

jaeden at this point was more terrified than he had ever been. chills ran down his spine every time he remembered the sight of his good friend's body, stuffed in some duffel bag as if he were some useless piece of clothing.

there was no telling who was next. and while he was starting to question his girlfriend's innocence, he didn't want to think that of her.

she's would never do that he thought to himself as he wrapped an arm around her waist. lauren daubed her tears on her sleeve, burying her head on jaeden's shoulder, hugging him tightly as she sobbed heavily into his shirt. with tears coursing down his cheeks, the brunet placed a delicate kiss on the top of her head before screwing his eyes shut, relishing the feeling of her embrace.

placing a hand below her legs, he then picked her up and took her to his bed. her legs wrapped around his waist as he gently caressed her sides. whispering words of affirmation. not only for her, bit for him as well.

"we have got to get out of here laur. we can't stay here anymore. it's not safe" jaeden muttered, placing a hand on her belly before leaving an affectionate kiss on her temple.

she lifted her head from his shoulder and nodded before giving him a quick peck on the lips. the couple got settled down and got ready for bed, trying to shake off the sight of john's body parts in a duffel bag right outside their dorm, even though it was almost impossible to do so.

just this morning, he and lauren were fighting over pancakes like they usually did, and a few hours later? his body was on its way to the morgue.

jaeden made sure that lauren was comfortable before getting into bed himself. she was facing away from him when he wrapped an arm around her, keeping a hand on her stomach while the other caressed her sides in an attempt to calm both of them down, mostly for him honestly. he snuggled up to her some more, bringing his body closer to hers and telling her

"never go anywhere without me okay? we need to keep each other safe. do you understand that?"

lauren simply nodded in reply, mumbling a quiet okay when she suddenly felt a trail of kisses from her cheek down to her arm. his hand brushed up her leg when he started playing with the garter of her shorts. he brushed it up to under her shirt, tracing random patterns on her bare waist and stomach.

"i love you so much baby"he admitted, it was a little out of the blue, but with the way things were going? the way they didn't know who was going to live or die? might as well make yourself vulnerable now instead of dying without telling the person you love most how much they mean to you.

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