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ROOM 514 ( + lilia )

16 year old kenzie ziegler sat in the back of her mother's car with her phone in hand as she listened to her playlist on maximum volume in an attempt to block out her sister's non stop chatter about the school. orpheus academy. what a name. 

see kenzie had no plans of attending this school in the first place. she was fine back at home with all her friends and at her old school where she was known to be one of the best dancers, could've been captain of the dance team eventually if she stayed. until her senior year.

maddie on the other hand had been going to orpheus since she was a freshman. it's always been the oldest ziegler's dream to attend one of the most prestigious performing arts academies in the world.

what's worse for kenzie is that this was a boarding school, so not only was she going to an entirely different school, she wasn't going to be able to see her family and friends until christmas!

another problem she had was maddie was known in the school to be one of the best dancers, which was saying something because that school was filled with talented dancers. she didn't want to have to live in her sister's shadows again. she thought she was already way past that.

she got in because someone (maddie) sent a video of her dancing, maddie forced her to go to the callbacks, thinking that she wouldn't be accepted anyway kenzie still went, to her surprise she did get in, and now she's here.

truth be told, kenzie's always been a little freaked out by the academy. it gave off this really creepy vibe which she found very unsettling. the buildings weren't old in anyway, they honestly looked very new, orpheus has been around for more than 50 years yet its buildings look like they were built 5 years ago. regardless of what the buildings looked like kenzie still found the academy creepy and she had absolutely no idea why.

"mackenzie, mackenzie!"melissa called causing kenzie to snap out of her thoughts. the brunette took her airpods out and put it back in the case before she answered her mother with


"maddie was talking to you. weren't you listening to her?"

"sorry i was listening to music, what's up?"kenzie asked

"i was just talking about some dance teachers but never mind. i'm sure brynn will show you around"

"who's brynn?"

"i'll introduce you to a few girls in your grade later so you won't be alone and stuff"


"okay so there's brynn rumfallo. talented dancer, dancing prodigy. won a lot of competitions."

"wasn't she the one that beat you?"kenzie smirked playfully, maddie grumbled and rolled her eyes before she told her

"yes she was don't need to rub it in. anyway, so brynn and uh oh yeah i'll also introduce you to lilia buckingham! she's also a dancer of course. she's pretty good too."

"maddie this is a prestigious performing arts school, you have to be good to get in"the youngest ziegler rolled her eyes

"i know, but yeah lilia doesn't really like dancing anymore because it stresses her out. she wants to be a writer, but she's staying because of jill, her girlfriend"

"they started dating last summer. anyway jill's a singer, she has the voice of an angel and she's really sweet. you're going to love them! you're going to love it here!"

"i hope so"kenzie mumbled softly before she looked out the window only to see the familiar campus as she had watched a few of maddie's shows in the past.

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