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"laur, laur baby, please talk to me. i want to help you" jaeden mumbled, taking a seat next to lauren who was laying in bed, staring blankly at the wall like she had been for the past few weeks. though she would leave the room to get food and go to class every once in awhile. but it's still like she wasn't there.

that was the second time in less than four months (first was brynn, then lilia) where she saw, up close, both her friends falling to their deaths. she had yet to talk to anyone about anything significant. just a few 'i'm gonna eat's and 'i already ate's. since that was all they ever asked her about anyway.

the remaining four had been trying to get something out of her for weeks. they agreed on alternating, but jaeden disregarded all that and stayed with his girlfriend (?) everyday. they wouldn't talk, they wouldn't even touch each other. he'd just sit there, tell her about his day, offer to feed her, and that was it. he was the one that did all the talking, lauren would just stare, and stare, and stare.

"babe, it's been two weeks. we're all worried, you haven't talked to us. you might still be mad at me, but you could at least talk to john, or jules. just let us know if you need anything please" he whispered, running his fingers through her hair only for her to clutch onto her pillow tighter

"it wasn't just lilia" she let out, looking up at ther boyfriend who raised an eyebrow at her

"there — i — last week i — i saw four other bodies in the supply closet — i thought it was — i thought it was you four and i got scared and ran off. but you all arrived at dinner. if they're trying to get twelve though, they're still out to get one of us"

"do you know who it was?" he asked, moving a little closer towards her as he cupped her right cheek in his left hand.

"no, no i don't."

"it could've been the dummies they use in plays for all we know. did you check or?"

"no i didn't. i guess it might have been i'm just scared" she whispered, curling up into a ball. sighing heavily, jaeden got under the covers with her, wrapping both arms around her before saying

"we all are."

"have you forgiven me? for calling you —"

"that hurt but i guess i was being a little overdramatic. i don't know, it's the last thing on my mind one of us is gonna die soon. and i hope it's me"

"laur —"

"i'm tired jae. i can't — i saw brynn, then lilia, then i opened that supply closet and four bodies fell out and — i can't keep living like this jaeden i'm so tired." she admitted, burying her face in his chest

"hey hey, we're going to get out of here i promise you"

"and if we don't? i can't do this shit anymore. i can't keep watching people die i just — i can't. i hate it, i hate it so much"

"you and me both" the brunet sighed, absentmindedly threading his fingers through her hair before placing his lips on the top of her head for a comforting kiss

"i'm so tired"

"i know, i know"

"want me to stay with you while waiting for someone else to come here? my next class is with chris i'm sure he'd understand" he said, glancing down at his girlfriend who simply nodded in reply, settling in her boyfriend's arms before closing her eyes, they both tried to keep their minds at peace to calm the other down but they couldn't help it.

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