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author: i almost forgot to update this


"what took you guys so long?" asked louis as emily, jill, lilia, and jayden arrived at the dining hall much later than the rest of the group.

"we all woke up late. none of our alarms rang. well jill's did but she snoozed it like seven times" emily explained, sitting on the vacant chair next to her boyfriend and placing a gentle kiss on his cheek

"explains your guys' hair" jules snorted making the four girls roll their eyes, taking a seat on the vacant chairs that were left for them

"what's for breakfast?" jill inquired, glancing at the tables filled with food behind her

"waffles, pancakes, bacon, eggs, and some other things. that's all i know" lauren replied nonchalantly, poking the waffle on her plate. the blonde absolutely hated the breakfast food at orpheus, not that there was a problem with it, lauren was just a very picky eater.

groaning softly, jaeden paused from eating his food before taking lauren's fork and knife from her. he sliced a small piece of the waffle and poked the fork through the piece, bringing it up to her lips and opening his mouth.

"jaeden calm down, i'm not a baby"

"you have a long day today. you need energy so eat" the brunet said sternly, before feeding his girlfriend the waffle. lauren tried to hide a small grin as she chewed and swallowed, before taking a sip of water.

smiling weakly, jaeden placed a hand on her back and left a delicate kiss on the side of her lips before telling her

"see the waffles aren't that bad. eat up baby"

"ugh i'm so single" jules grumbled, taking a sip of her orange juice. the rest of the group turned to jayden with a knowing glance, expecting her to be all flustered, and shy. but to their surprise, she was nonchalant. she seemed a lot more focused on her phone.

"why is everyone looking at me?" jayden asked, glancing up from her phone causing everyone to turn away


"oh yeah, by the way. i'll be gone for awhile after class. i'm hanging out with hadley evangeline" she then said, diverting her attention back to her phone

"you've been spending a lot of time with her lately" jules said in a suspicious tone, humming softly before opting to take half of lauren's waffle.

"that's true. what's going on?" jaeden asked nonchalantly while peeling his banana, he cut a small piece with his fork before bringing that up to lauren's lips yet again.

"ooh they brought out the wyatt sandwiches! let's get some!" emily exclaimed, tugging on her boyfriend's shirt before gesturing to the food table where they were putting a tray full of a grilled cheese sandwiches.

the blonde left in a hurry making louis sigh before slowly getting up from his seat, walking behind jules and 'whispering'

"don't worry. jayden and hadley aren't official"

"louis no point in whispering we can hear you"

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