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author: one last ride let's do this 🧎‍♀️

questions at the end btw pls stick around to answer <3


olivia rodrigo was making her way to room 514 with a new toy for her nephew. the news had just gotten out about how jaeden, 'died in a car crash'. and it of course, reached angela, jaeden's mother, who was also just recently informed about the existence of her grandson.

she met up with olivia at the mall nearby the campus where olivia explained to her lauren's situation. ever since olivia found out about the diagnosis she found that lauren had a difficult time with new people, and figured it was best that it may not have been the best time for visitors.

and so angela gave olivia a stuffed giraffe to give to baby link. it was jaeden's favorite toy when he was a toddler. apparently he never went anywhere without it until he was in the second grade. after comforting the grieving mother olivia bid her farewell and journeyed off to her friend and nephew's room.

"i should have this fixed, it's the only thing link has of his father" the brunette mumbled to herself, carefully examining the worn out giraffe

as she approached room 514, she could already hear the loud cries of her nephew. link barely cried, he would whine a little, but other than that he was a relatively good kid, olivia didn't even know he could scream this loud.

she rushed into the room, thinking it must have been really bad if link was crying this loud. she barged into the room, scanning it for link almost immediately, only for her gaze to land on the blonde laying on the ground in the middle of the room. the fabric of her clothing soaked in blood as lauren's lifeless was sprawled across wooden floors of the dorm she had called home. her eyes still open yet dull, a wound in between her eyes spilling with red, the liquid sliding down her face as the pool she was laying in only seemed to getting bigger. assuming that she had taken a hard fall and cracked the back of her head open as well.

olivia's jaw dropped, slapping a hand over her mouth she let out a little squeak, tears welling up in her eyes. her gaze then fell on the pistol in lauren's hand, she shook her head vigorously, stumbling into the room and mumbling

"no — no what the hell? what the fuck"

she then went over to link's crib, picking up the sobbing infant before cooing at him, just to make him stop crying as she tried to process what exactly she was looking at.

at 10:00am she was helping lauren set up link's crib and talking about how they should get their schedules to see which classes they had together. and four hours later? lauren was laying in a pool of her own blood after shooting herself in the head right in front of her son.

a piece of paper tucked into her nephew's blanket suddenly caught her eye. swallowing the lump in her throat, she opened took the piece of paper, only to see a little note written at the back

"let him read when he's old he's enough to understand"

then her gaze landed on the desk, a small notebook that lauren had been writing on the past summer was resting atop her laptop. olivia padded over to it, placing link on her hip before opening the notebook to a random page, and the two sentences alone made her heart stop.

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