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being student at orpheus academy meant you were required to be excellent.

the audition process at the school was probably one of the toughest things the students would have to face, you can't get into the school with sheer luck. you would be an idiot to think that the academy would accept if you were average. to get in you had to have the talent, the accolades, recommendations letters, a few connections in some cases, you just had to be above average.

as if the getting in wasn't already hard enough, you had to be on top of your game once you entered the school. you had be versatile, hardworking, you might have been the best dancer at your old dance studio, or you might have always gotten the lead in the plays at your old school, but none of that matters here, because you're up against the best of the best, everyone at this school was competitive. if you can't keep up you'll get kicked out.

so to be known as one of the best in the academy says a lot.

with sweat trickling down her face endlessly, almost as if she were taking a shower, brynn found herself in an empty ballet studio yet again, practicing for the role of giselle that she finally got. it was the role she was practicing for the last time we saw her in the studio by herself.

everything has to be perfect is what she tells herself every time the music starts playing, the phrases 'keep your hips square', 'point your toes', 'turn out', 'straighten your knees', 'soften your arms', 'hold your core', 'extend as far as you can', 'use your facials', 'don't sickle your foot' and a few others were basically drilled into her mind every time she set foot on the dance floor.

it was one of the things she was commended for the most, the way she made her dancing look so effortless despite everything you have to think of once you start moving your body. truth be told it was all just muscle memory for her, i mean you practice more than five hours everyday your body is bound to get used to it.

despite all this being practice, she still made sure to give it her all. why? because she had to be great. with her parents breathing down her neck, waiting to pull her out of orpheus academy she couldn't just settle with being 'okay'.

"arabesque and a two, penche and four, five, and six, copue, romberse, pas des bourree"she hummed in the tone of the ever so iconic giselle variation.

it was always important for brynn to excel at everything she did. dance, school, you name it. there's a reason brynn's one of the best, other than her god-given talent she worked three times as hard as everyone else, she was probably one of if not the only dancer who stayed in the studio hours after their classes end just to practice.

moving on to another one of our students who also strived to be one of the best and was known to be one of them. jaeden sat by himself in an empty auditorium ten minutes before class, reading through a script of a show that chris had asked him to audition for.

"i wish i never met you"he read with conviction as the script told him to. sighing heavily jaeden decided to through it again just to get a feel of what exactly his character was going through.

though it never really mattered if he was the main character or not. jaeden always made sure to give every project his all. which, though he would never admit to because he didn't think that of himself, made him one of the best actors in the school.

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