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TW// blood, mental health issues, and A LOT of other stuff🧍‍♀️

just approach it with caution if you're sensitive to a lot of stuff yeah i don't really wanna give anything away. just trigger warning

also very important note: this chapter deals with mental illnesses please do NOT make light of this topic, it is not and never has been something that should be made fun of. let's remember to be kind and to not make fun of such a serious subject matter.

make the slightest insensitive comment and you will be muted immediately.

^ if you read that comment ur favorite emoji.

do it right fucking now


"alright students, we have no time to waste it's time to discuss your end of the school year. i will be your teacher from here on out because mr. evans left. not sure why but he didn't wanna teach anymore" mr. dempsey said in a hurry, rushing into the classroom and erasing everything on the board

the students shared a look of confusion at the sudden change. this class was cancelled for two weeks straight then a new teacher comes in while mr. evans was nowhere to be found?

someone else who was nowhere to be found was jaeden martell, the brightest student in class. his chair that was right at the front next to where his girlfriend sat was noticeably empty. and so olivia decided to raise her hand, saying

"shouldn't we wait for jaeden?"

"mr. martell dropped out yesterday. students we've noticed that the drop out rate this year has been significantly higher so if you are going through something we're always here to help. this school prioritizes you and your mental health so if you need a break don't be afraid to ask us to do so. anyway so where was i? oh right. year end project!"

all eyes turned to lauren orlando who had been withdrawn all morning, she was almost ghost like. she wouldn't talk to anyone, nor would she eat. she'd just show up to class then go back to her room and do it again. no knew what was happening to her behind close doors. the rumors of her being pregnant spread, but no one was certain. except olivia of course, but she chose not to say anything out of respect.

"so let's get started with the discussion shall we?"


"laur, hey, are you okay?" olivia asked, sauntering into room 514. it had been three weeks since word got out about jaeden dropping out and lauren's baby bump was starting to show. rumors spread about him dropping out because she was pregnant and didn't want to take care of baby which would never be the case.

lauren locked herself in her room in the weeks that followed, no one had seen or heard from her, they were all starting to think that she might have dropped out as well. but since there was no formal announcement, olivia decided to check it out herself.

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