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tw // nsfw, gore


"so is it over?" lauren mumbled, sitting next to jaeden who was sitting by jayden's bed, threading his fingers through his best friend's hair as she clutched onto her pillow, tears streaming down her cheeks as she store blankly at the wall, like she had been for the past few weeks.

it had been three weeks since they found jules with her throat slit in room 514. none of them have been back ever since. neither of them have been back in room 513 either. they all stayed in the boys' dorm. not that their teachers cared anymore anyway

"what do you mean is it over?"

"i mean they got twelve already. that's how many they get every time they do this. are we expected to just live on like this? or are they still out to get us?"

"it's over" said john, waltzing into the room with a letter in hand, tossing a sweater on his bed. he sat on the chair right across from jayden's bed (which was actually wyatt's) handing the letter over to lauren and jaeden.

the couple exchanged a confused glance, opening the ominous piece of paper which read

"it's over. quit digging - h."

"i don't get it though, do they expect us to just keep going on with our lives as if we didn't just witness the murder of twelve of our school mates?! i mean look at jayden?!" lauren exclaimed, slamming the paper to the ground before folding her arms across her chest, then deciding to pick up the jar of nutella she left on the night stand.

jaeden had yet to ask her about the pregnancy because he wasn't sure if it was the right time, and how he was going to react. but the signs were way too obvious at this point.

lauren was carrying his child. he didn't know what to do exactly, was she even going to keep it? was he supposed to celebrate? or was he supposed to be terrified?

"that's what i was thinking. this is far from over" john mumbled, picking up the paper and folding it in half, before crumpling it and tossing it in the trash, ultimately missing but it was close enough.

"there's more to this. they're not just gonna let the four of us walk around with this kind of knowledge"

"we have to find a way out then. it's the only way" jaeden muttered, glancing over at jayden who still seemed like she was out of it. physically? she was there, but mentally? heaven knows where she is.

there were night where she'd wake up the entire room because she have nightmares, she'd wake up screaming and crying, asking for jules. it was — the most horrifying sight. she would be inconsolable, no matter how much they tried to calm her down she wouldn't.

they could barely even hold a conversation with her, they'd have her attention for a minute, then she'd zone out. she would barely answers their questions, she was worse than lauren was.

"no, they'll track us. we have to find a way to stop it from the inside"

"john are you dumb? researching and all that shit is gonna make things worse and we're probably already on their watch list. you know what we need? to get the hell out of here. damn it we need fucking therapy! more than half our friend group is dead! they died here, and we're supposed to stay?! john we need to get the fuck out of here!" jaeden exclaimed, jayden winced slightly by the way he raised his voice immediately catching his attention, he shushed her, rubbing her forearm before glancing over at lauren who he had hoped wasn't jealous.

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