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author: i got bored took ya'll took too long

anyways 40 votes and 300 comments (actual comments about the chapter) for an update :)

unless i get bored again but that's unlikely i'll be busy AHAHAHAHA

get to voting and commenting ;)


"what the fuck — what the actual fuck — what happened?!"emily exclaimed in panic, pacing back and forth in room 513 where everyone stayed.

after brynn's fall, a raucous crack echoed through the room. when they glanced over the edge with a flashlight from one of their phones, they saw their friend in a pool of her own blood. her arms and legs were discombobulated, her limbs bent in angles they weren't supposed to be in.

"is she dead?"

"what do you mean is she dead jill of course she's dead! her leg was at a 180°angle! she was in a pool of her own blood! she fell from more than 20 feet and you think she's alive?! why don't you fall 50 feet and see if you're still alive huh?!"

"emily!"louis chided, moving towards his girlfriend before turning to jill. he gave her an apologetic look while jill simply nodded in understanding.

louis placed his hands on his girlfriend's shoulders, shushing her before taking her to her bed. he sat her down before rubbing her shoulder, silently reprimanding her about her behavior.

"no because what the fuck we just lost another friend!"kenzie exclaimed, folding her knees up to her chest before burying her face in her hands

"she just — fell! were you even holding onto her tight enough?!"she then accused, turning to lauren who was standing in the corner by herself

"mackenzie!"jaeden scolded, scowling at the brunette.

"i was! i swear i was! why wouldn't i?! how could you even say that to me?!"lauren cried, running her hands through her hair

"everyone calm down and stop yelling!"lilia raised her voice, standing in the middle of the room

"what are — what about her body why is there a massive pit at the bottom of the school none of this makes sense lilia!"

"this is why we shouldn't have gone back to the basement"jules uttered, folding her arms across her chest before pressing her lips into a thin line

"why are they killing people? the masked men i — what do they not want us to know?"

"are we sure this is about the masked men? it's not like they would know that we were going down to the basement anyway. it was probably an accident"jaeden suggested, and seconds later, lauren walked out of the room, slamming the door on the way out too.

"it could be, but it's still sketchy. but we can't trust anyone from out of the group"jill replied, crawling into bed as she tried to process what she had just seen.

"jaeden aren't you gonna follow your girlfriend?"john then asked, raising an eyebrow at the brunette who pursed his lips before saying

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