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"this is a bad idea"

"then why did you come with me?"

"i couldn't let you die alone!"

"oh so you'd rather we die together?"

"you said you had a solid plan!"

"i never said it was solid! yes i do have a plan but you keep saying it's a bad idea! now i'm not confident anymore!"

"are you seriously letting a teenage girl shake up your confidence?"

"yes jayden, you guys are cruel. i heard you guys talking about your exes, i get hating them because they are terrible. but the things you guys said were just cruel"

"well then don't break emily's heart so we don't have to talk about you like that"

a day after the events that went down in the previous chapter, jayden and louis finally put louis' plan into action.

it was the middle of the day and all of their teachers were in class, they knew this because john and louis stole the teacher's schedules a few years back, the schedules never really change anyway. they opted to skip their classes to go down and retrieve the articles.

while they were terrified of getting swallowed alive by their floor, or some chandelier falling on them, hey maybe they'd even have to face a killer clown or something from another dimension because literally anything can happen at orpheus, they were a little relieved knowing that more than half the teachers were in their classes right now. just a little. because who knows maybe the teachers have clones, they pay the school thousands of dollars every year. this school could afford anything.

"i won't break emily's heart. not intentionally at least, i hope i don't"

"see louis, you will if you die!"

"okay you agreed to go with me now you're being a pessimist, bloody hell make up your mind" the brunet scoffed, shaking his head at his good friend before rolling his eyes and asking her

"does jules know where you are?"

"um no i don't think so. does emily know where you are?"

"not a clue. she thinks i'm in piano class."

"wow what a terrible boyfriend. fucking liar"

"hey you lied to jules too!"

"yeah well jules isn't my girlfriend yet!" jayden suddenly blurted out. the blonde gasped before slapping a hand over her mouth causing louis' eyes to widen before he flashed her a taunting grin, nudging her gently before saying

"yet huh?"

"shut up and get those articles louis"

"thought this was a bad idea"

"you were a bad idea, bet you were an accident"

"you know how 'bout we both just shut up, get our shit, then run?"


the pair made their way to the library in the basement, or as jayden would like to call it: 'the library of death'. the took a chair to hold the door open before rummaging through all of the drawers in library, even skimming through some of the history books they could find. half an hour in and they were close to giving up because all they found were hidden problematic things that their teachers wanted to bury, but nothing about the disappearances.

that is until, louis came across a very familiar title.

"i found it!" the brunet chirped, waving the paper up in the air

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