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different people had different ways of coping with the loss of a loved one. some shun other people away, others focus on their jobs, a few people do what (or who) they love to distract themselves. everyone had their distinct way of dealing with such loss.

staying in their own dormitory was too much for the three remaining boys. john, jaeden, and louis barely spent any time in it anymore, seeing wyatt's empty bed was too much for them to bare. his belongings were all gone too, they assumed the school got it when they were in their classes

they were told that wyatt was sent home because he was sick, but they all knew the real reason. they just couldn't find it in themselves to say anything.

the rest of the week was exhausting, for all of them. they found it hard to get out of bed and go on with the school as if they didn't just lose one of their best friends.

jill decided to still go on the camping trip, they all deserved a break.

problem is wyatt's been waiting for this the longest time, and he wouldn't be able to go anymore but anything to get out of this school.

"got everything we need?"lilia asked, placing the last bag into the trunk of the van they rented

"yeah i think so. you guys ready? anyone need to go to the bathroom?"jill asked, settling down in her seat before putting her seatbelt on

"i don't wanna sit here"lauren spoke up, making everyone in the group furrow their eyebrows. she was sitting next to jaeden for goodness sake it was basically her life's dream

"no you're staying there"lilia reprimanded her, lauren scoffed and folded her arms across her chest, turning away from jaeden who simply frowned before awkwardly looking away

ever since he snapped at her that one night, she refused to talk to him. heck she didn't even look at him. but believe me, it was torture for the both of them.

they group sat in uncomfortable silence as lilia started the car, one of them (probably wyatt) would've cracked a joke and tease jaeden and lauren for the rest of the ride. but none one of them were in the mood for that

they listened to their principal's songs on the radio as lilia drove to the site, occasionally switching with jill or louis. the ride, which was usually composed of them singing their hearts out and fighting over food, was filled with silence and a few hushed conversations.

john, who had been perusing through different articles, websites, and watching a shit ton of documentaries was obviously shaken up about as wyatt's death, but there was a driving force in him that absolutely needed to get for wyatt. and so he decided to break the silence with

"we need to do something about this"

"yeah turn up the music and pass out the beers we're too sad"jules stated, the group's attention shifted towards the brunette who seemed a little tone deaf.

"yeah jules our friend just died let's party"emily hissed, rolling her eyes before carefully threading her fingers through louis' hair as he was fast asleep on her shoulder.

"whatever. back what i was saying, we need to look for something, there must be reason i mean — why would someone want to kill wyatt? it doesn't make any sense! they obviously don't want him to know something so they got rid of him!"john rambled, turning to kenzie who he knew was going to back him up. as she too was trying to find answers for wyatt's sudden and cruel death.

"he's got a point though. wyatt isn't fighting with anyone, he hasn't hurt anyone"

"okay but what if that was our warning? i'm just saying if we try to look for something we might be next"jayden interjected, turning to jules who nodded in agreement

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