orpheus academy

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who is orpheus?

- orpheus is a legendary musician, poet, and prophet in greek mythology. he endowed superhuman musical skills and is most known for his virtuosic ability in playing the lyre. his singing and playing was said to be so beautiful that animals and even trees and rocks moved about him in dance.

hence the use of his name for the academy.

(author: read about orpheus and eurydice if you can it's one of my favorite stories in greek mythology)

(author: read about orpheus and eurydice if you can it's one of my favorite stories in greek mythology)

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welcome to orpheus academy! a performing arts boarding school where students can express themselves through music, dance, and acting. our goal is provide the best artistic education for gifted musicians, dancers, and actors all around the world and bring out the best of their abilities!

to get into our school, one must submit an audition video, if he/she/they gets a callback, they are expected to show at the academy (with their instrument if necessary) to perform in front of a prestigious panel of some of the best modern artists the world has ever seen.

what do we offer?

- dance.

our dance program consists of a variety of genres such as ballet, contemporary, lyrical, tap, hip hop, latin, ballroom, and so much more taught by some of the finest dancers in the country

see subjects

- music

our music program also has a variety of genres, though we make sure that our music students are familiar with the basic music theories. under the music program we offer vocal arts, a variety of instruments, composition, and orchestral conducting taught by some of the country's finest virtuosos

see subjects

- film/drama

not only do we tackle stage plays in our acting program, we also offer film. here students will be able to have the opportunity to create short films and learn about what goes on behind the scenes. students will learn how to direct, produce, write scripts, and more. taught by the best of the best from broadway and the film industry.

see subjects

at the end of the year, all three collaborate to put on a big end of the school year play where all students are required to participate.

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dear __________,

good day! we hope this letter finds you well. after your spectacular audition we are very proud to inform that you have been accepted into orpheus academy! the first day of classes begins on the 12th of september but you must be settled in at your dormitory a week before. attached bellow is a set of rules and regulations all students must follow

we can't wait to see you next school year!

harry styles
principal of orpheus academy


1.) always follow your daily schedue

2.) all students shall be up at 7:30am and should be out of their rooms at 8:00. breakfast will be served until 8:45 and classes will begin at 9:00

3.) no smoking or alcohol is allowed on campus grounds

4.) do not leave perishable food items in your dormitory

5.) the basement is restricted to all students.

6.) students are not allowed to enter the restricted section in the library

7.) under no circumstance may girls host boys in their sleeping quarters and vice versa.

8.) follow all the guidelines when using the school's facilities i.e. no outside shoes in the dance studio.

9.) you may only leave campus grounds on weekdays with your permission slip from principal styles or vice principal tomlinson

10.) while students are free to leave campus grounds on weekends without permission slips, you are expected to be back in your dormitories at 9pm with the lights off.

your safety is our priority.

11.) ask permission from any member of the faculty to use the school's facilities or equipment after class hours. if you are to do so you are required to fill out a reservation slip

12.) each student is responsible for his/her/their belongings.

any violation of these protocols may call for a sanction, probation, suspension, or expulsion depending on the severity of their violations.

and always remember to treat people with kindness

such a fun filled school year awaits but beware beware of the troubles you might face

break the rules if you dare


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