Break On Through

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Abby's House...

"You went out with them!" Bonnie yells.

I hold my head, "Bonnie you said you weren't going to yell," I say. "I think you are overreacting."

"You think i'm overreacting? Abby do you think i'm overreacting?"

Abby sighs, "Bonnie just let Blair finish her story," Abby says.

Bonnie rolls her eyes and waits for me to continue, "I didn't want to but being a sire in all I had to listen to what she said and who knows this could benefit us," I explain.

"We aren't getting involved with them ever again. Especially you I don't give a fuck if you are sired if we have to do the technique that Tyler is doing then we will."

"See. That won't work. Either way it'll just come back," I say and watch Bonnie take a deep breath.

"Girls we are all going to get through this together," Abby says.

"They got her fucked up on bourbon when they know she doesn't drink and that the liquor doesn't affect them."

"It was my choice," I tell Bonnie as I finally take a seat on the couch. "And Rebekah took me to her house safely."

Bonnie sucks her teeth and goes outside to sees Caroline walking up with an ice chest, "Hey," Caroline greets.

"Hey," Bonnie says back.

"Yelling at your sister?" Caroline smiles.

Bonnie nods with her arms crossed, "I can't blame her for the stuff she does for them but I feel like she doesn't even try to resist."

"Maybe she isn't. It's in her nature and Rebekah was all she had when we weren't there for her. She might forgive you and one day she'll do the same for me but will never forget. We hurt her pretty bad Bon."

"I know. I wish I could take it back."

"Me too."

"Let's talk about something different."

Caroline nods, "I totally lucked out. The hospital just had a blood drive, so I got some O negatives, some A's, and my personal favorite," Caroline pulls out a blood bag. "B positive."

Bonnie and Caroline are watching Abby who is in her garden standing next to an empty bird bath as i'm steps away, "I made her a daylight ring. She's been standing out there all morning. I don't think she's taking this very well. I mean if it wasn't for Blair I don't think she would be here."

"Well, it's only been a few days since she turned. Your mom is still adjusting," Caroline and Bonnie walk over to Abby and I. "Ms. Wilson, why don't you come inside? Have something to drink?"

"I can't feel it any more. My garden, it's gone. I can't feel anything," Abby says. I look at it covering my face from the sun. Abby and I walks towards the house.

"I don't understand."

"Witches have a connection to the Earth. We can literally feel nature. Life," Bonnie cups her hands on both sides of a dead plant. She recites a spell and suddenly the plant starts to bloom into a beautiful flower. "When Abby became a vampire, she lost it. I don't know how to help her."

Abby sits down and I grab her hand, "Just think about the garden," I say and Abby nods closing her eyes and mine turning white as soon as she did.

"I see it," Abby says with a little excitement in her voice. Bonnie and Caroline smile watching.

"Think about something that makes you happy."

It was Abby with me in her arms and little Bonnie wrapped around her leg with little Jamie on the other leg. Soon the dream becomes a nightmare clouds of darkness and instant fear. It felt overwhelmed, "Blair what happening," Abby says.

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