Miss Mystic Falls

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          I woke up less refreshed. I had to step inside my personal hell today and face demons they call students. Nobody has checked on me since the party except Caroline and Alaric of course. Damon hasn't even text me or checked on me. I know Tyler wouldn't because he would be to ashamed. Everyone else hasn't even contacted me. Today is the day I have to see them. I'm not looking for to it. Also because I have lost contact with Katherine. I don't know who invaded my mind the other night but i'm still confused about what they meant by assignment. Maybe it was the guy I was dreaming about that one time. Nah, it's not this has to be someone different. The miss mystic falls pageant is approaching and Bonnie has sighed me up a while ago. I don't understand why she wants me to walk when the judges are going to be looking for girls that look like Elena and Caroline. I have never seen a Miss Mystic Falls with big curly hair and nice brown skin before. It would be nice to see a change though but i'm not going to get my hopes up. Speaking of Bonnie she is coming back today. Last time I was this excited to see her I was moving to Mystic Falls. Maybe today won't be so bad...

"I'm so happy to be home," I say laying on Bonnie's bed.

"Even though it's at dads?" Bonnie ask smirking at me.

"Even though it's dads i'm still happy because I can sleep in my bed and be around my big sister whom I missed a whole lot," I say sitting up and watching her pack her school bag with books. "Are you excited to be back?"

"Ah, not really. Be around people who are just reminders of how I lost my grandmother..."

"That's how I felt when I came back. I'm still mad that dad made me come back early."

"Blair, it wasn't to upset you, it was to help. Just let dad be dad."

I got up, "Yeah, I personally think it was a stupid decision and I still got hurt."

"Yeah, has Tyler apologizes?"

"Ah, no but apparently he told Caroline he did while I was unconscious," I shrug. I look at the time. "Bonnie, we are late."

She looked at the time, "Shit," She said and hurried and I followed behind.

We headed to class really late but not too late to miss the whole first period. After class I met up with Bonnie hoping to avoid anyone I have saw at the party. Bonnie is walking, reading papers. We walked the hallway in comfortable silence. Elena is running behind us, "Bonnie!"

Bonnie stops causing me to stop and roll my eyes, "Hey," She smiles

"How are you Blair?" Elena asks me.

"I'm alright now. I was only out for 2 days," I say sarcastically.

She sighs and turned to Bonnie, "I tried to grab you after class but you already taken off. How are you? How's your family?"

"We're dealing, it's been hard," Bonnie let's her know.

"Everyone here really missed you," Elena smiles.

"Yeah, I just had so much to deal with after Grams' funeral and, honestly after you told me the tomb spell failed I just didn't really want to come back. I didn't want Blair to comeback either but dad had other plans," Bonnie shrugs.

"I hope that you understand why I called...I wanted you to know before you came home," Elena frowns.

"I understand why. I just...shouldn't know," Long pause, they look at each other.

"I know it's been really hard..." Elena begins.

Caroline interrupts them, "Bonnie! Bonnie! Thank god you're home!" She embraces Bonnie. "I know we talked everyday but I missed you." Elena seems upset. "How are you doing?"

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