Founder's Day

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Everybody is preparing for Founders' Day. I'm not to excited about this. I'm happy to go because i'll be with Sebastian and we have been doing good. I'm not excited because I have been having the worse headache with no visions coming through. I don't know what that means but I should really ask Alaric about it. I keep avoiding him. I'm scared i'm going to find something out that i'm not going to like and i'm not prepared for it. Bonnie has been paranoid every since she didn't defect the device.

"No, no, no, no, no! It's all wrong! The marching band should be in front of the Historic Society. Matt, get up on the float. Boys, I asked you to put chairs on the Founders' Float. Ladies! Time to get on the float," I watch everyone get frustrated with Mrs. Lockwood as I stand next to Stefan who looks nervous waiting.

I take a quick picture of Stefan, "Why you do that?" He asks kind of annoyed.

"It's just a float," I joke trying to loosen him up. He smiles.

Damon arrives. I shift uncomfortable and cough, "Look at you, all retro. Oh, and you miss Blair Bear with the camera just standing there looking s-"

"What are you doing here?" Stefan asks.

"Why wouldn't I be here? Bonnie deactivated the Gilbert invention," I couldn't help, but to say at that statement. "Isobel is gone and it's Founders' Day! I'm here to eat cotton candy and steal your girl. Or Sebastian's girl either one," Damon smirks.

I roll my eyes and watch Stefan get heated, "Don't start with me, Damon," Stefan demands.

"Oh, you started this Stefan with that whole "I'm insecure, leave Elena alone" speech. I'm enjoying that," Damon laughs.

"As long as you heard it," I let them argue. I was confused so I let them be.

"What? You have no sense of humor, Stefan."

"Actually I've no sense of 'Damon humor'."

"'Damon humor'...Hey look, I get it, I get it. I'm the better, hotter, superior choice and you're scared, now that Katherine is out of the picture, that I'm gonna turn all my attention to Elena. But don't worry, Elena is not Katherine, but Blair is still sexy."

"Okay, yeah i'm going to have to stop you right there. What is going on?" I ask curious to why Elena keeps being brought up.

"Last night a little birdie or I mean bat told that i'm in love with Elena," Damon answers. I nod. That was the truth. I already knew, but now Stefan really sees it. Damon and Stefan see Elena approaching. In her period dress she looks strikingly like Katherine. She smiles at them and curtsies.

"I got to help with... i'm just going to go," I sigh watching the way they look at her. I walk over to Bonnie who was with Caroline taking pictures with Matt before the Founders' Day Parade, in their Civil War costumes. I pulled my camera out and took a picture of them.

"Say cheese!" Bonnie says.

Caroline looks to Matt, "Oh wait! Hide your cast, it's not era-appropriate!" Caroline demands.

Matt laughs, "Seriously?"


"Okay, fine," He does as he is told with made me giggle. Bonnie takes the picture, Tyler arrives.

"I want one with Bonnie now," Caroline says pulling Bonnie and handing me her phone.

"Here, I can take it," Tyler says taking the phone from me. I gave him a small smile before moving over.

Matt looks at him, "I'll be on the float," Matt leaves.

Tyler looks at Caroline, "I said I was sorry!" He shrugs.

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