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             Today i'm supposed to be helping out with the Founders day parade float with Caroline and Elena. I haven't talked to Sebastian and think he is ignoring me. I don't blame him. I would too. If only I could just tell him why. I like him a lot and I don't want him to think i'm a flack because of Damon. I feel bad for Tyler though. I have been moving on and not talking to him. He was all I had and I feel like I threw him away like he was just some toy. Which he wasn't. Anyways today's a new day but for some reason I don't think it'll last.

At the Cafeteria, Alaric is giving papers to students. I walk in and spot Sebastian sitting by himself. He looks at me and I wave and he gets up and walks away. I sigh and walk over to Alaric, "So these are the specs for the History department. For the Founders' Day float we'll be recreating the battle of Willow Creek. Tyler has been nominated at the head of the production design," Alaric explains.

"By whom?" Tyler says uninterested.

"By me. I've seen your sketches and they're good."

"I'm not really into the..." Tyler begins.

"Tyler, you're really good. I promise," I say rubbing his arm and he smiles.

"Well, you just pick your team, be creative and..." Alaric sees Elena and Stefan. "Don't screw up." Alaric is going towards Elena and Stefan.

"Great!" Tyler says not so happy. "You want to help me out with this?" Tyler ask me and Matt.

"Not really, no," Matt laughs.

"Can't, i'm helping Caroline and Elena," I shrug. I walk over to Bonnie and Caroline and take a seat.

"Ah, she's finally here," Caroline says excitedly.

"Sorry," I say.

"Alright, show me," Bonnie says ready to get started.

"Let's reference last years Miss Mystic float," She types "Mystic Falls Founders' Day" into Bing on her computer. "This is what they did last year," She turns her computer and shows a picture to Bonnie. "and this is exactly what we don't want to do."

"Ew. Okay! So, what are we doing?" Bonnie asks.

"Please say something... less colorful," I say in disgust.

"Southern classic elegance."

I 'ooo' and Caroline nods excitedly, "Gone with the Wind?" Bonnie asks with a shrug.

"How'd you know?" Caroline laughs.

"You channel Scarlett, daily."

"So true!" They laugh. I look in Sebastian direction and frown.

"Earth to Blair," Caroline waves her hand in my face.

"Huh?" I ask shaking out my daze.

"Why don't you just talk to him?"

"He's totally ignoring me."

"Just tell him what happened to you. What actually happened to you anyways?" Bonnie asks suspicious.

"Oh, I... took a nap and overslept. Silly me."

Bonnie nods. Caroline is looking around, "Where's Elena? She's supposed to be helping," Caroline says furious.

"I don't know," Bonnie shrugs.

"I saw her talking to Alaric," I say.

"Okay, what's the deal?" Caroline asks.

"What do you mean?" Bonnie asks fiddling with her paper.

"Don't play dumb. You and Elena are fighting. Spill!" Caroline demands.

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