Family Ties

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Hey, I don't know how to start this today. All I can say is they found out what happened to Tanner. An animal attack just like Vicki. It doesn't seem real if i'm being quite honest. If it that what it was, then why didn't it get me? The way everything is going with Bonnie's magic, you never know. Today is the founders day party. My family aren't founders but it's nice to be there with the whole community. Except I don't want to see Tyler Lockwood. He pushed me down and didn't say sorry. I want to see Matt though, he was there for me when Tanner was laying there dead.

I head to Mystic Grill early to be by myself for a little and write. Right when I sit down I see Tyler is here. He looked my way and smiled. I rolled my eyes, "Tyler never smiles like that at me," Vicki says placing a water in front of me.

"I don't know why he is even smiling he pushed me just for a pity fight," I complained. "Thanks for the water though."

"At least his parents like you," She sighs and I took a sip of water. "Watch this," She says walking towards his table. I watched as she said.

"How are y'all doing over here?" She asks them with a big smile and everyone shifts uncontrollably. I slightly laugh.

"Ah, we're doing great, sweetheart," Mr. Lockwood says wanting her to go.

Vicki grabs Tyler's glass and pours water in it, "Is there anything else I can get you?" She asks.

"We're fine, thanks," Tyler says wanting her to go.

"Just the check, honey," Mr. Lockwood responses.

She goes in her pocket pulling out the check, "Here you go, Mayor Lockwood."

"Thanks," He says taking it.

I stopped paying attention when I see Bonnie and Caroline walk in. I huff. They are here earlier than they said they would.

"I told you," Vicki says walking pass me quickly obviously mad.

"It'll get better," I say before she was to far. Bonnie and Caroline sit at the table.

"Blair, why haven't been texting me back?" Caroline asks as she sits down.

I don't look up from my notebook, "The same reason why you stop being my best friend," I answer.

"What? I'm still your best friend. Is this because of Vicki?" She asks assuming because I started hanging with her.

"No, it's because of you and Damon," I answer looking up placing my pen on my book. She stays silent. "It's okay just make time for me sometimes and come to school,"

She nods, "I'm going to the founders party with him by the way," She says in a quick whisper.

"You're taking Damon to the founder's party? What about me?" Bonnie says furious.

"Wait, what about me?" I ask them both.

"Go with Elena," Caroline shrugs.

"Hey guys. What about me?" I ask again.

"She's asking Stefan," Bonnie says to Caroline.

"Okay, ignore me," I say picking up my pen.

"We assumed you would go with Matt," Caroline says and Bonnie agrees.

"Are y'all crazy?" I say putting my pen down and then I think about it, "Actually don't even answer that. I can't go with Matt."

"Why not?" Bonnie ask.

"I don't know. I'll just alone," I say picking up my pen again.

"No, we will go together," Bonnie says with a smile and I nod. Bonnie turns her attention back to Caroline, "What about your mom? Is she okay with you bringing Damon?" That's a question we all want answered.

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