Chapter 17 Part: 2

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-two hands came from behind me and grabbed me.

I started to scream. But I was whipped around to find Ashton. I sighed a big relief.

"You scared the shit out of me." I breathed.

"Sorry babe." He winked. Our faces were inches away. I could feel is breath on my lips. He looked into my eyes and closed the gap. Our lips moved in sync and it sent butterflies to my stomach.

Yes, I really like Ashton but I don't wanna rush things. Yes I love making out with him, don't get me wrong but...ugh I feel like there's someone else and I don't want to hurt him.

I pulled away and looked at him. "Can I say something?" I asked. We walked to the couch and we sat down.

"Was I rushing? I'm sorry." He said

"You aren't rushing, I just feel like I want to expand my search. You feel? Like I just got here and I wanna make more friends. Yes I love being with you and...ya know the kissing. But can we not like really really rush things..I'm really sorry. I just don't wanna do something I'm not ready for."

"I completely understand. And I want you to know that if you find another guy, that I will be okay. Yes it's gonna be weird because of what we have, but I'll get over it." He responded pulling me towards him. I gladly accepted and snuggled into him.

"But until then..." I said kissing him. He laughed into the kiss and accepted.

He picked me up and we went to my room. He put me down and I grabbed my clothes. I walked to the bathroom and got changed. I changed and took my makeup off. I brushed my teeth and walked back into my room. Ashton wasn't in there.

"Ashton?" I called out. There wasn't a response. I walked into the hall. "Ashton?" I called again. "Yep!" He responded. I leaned against the wall and heard him running up the stairs.
"What were you doing?" I asked. "Someone forgot to lock the door." He said booping my nose. I crinkled it and laughed.

We walked into my room and hopped into bed. He had already gotten undressed. He was only wearing his boxers. I must say...he is very sexy. He's body is perfectly toned.

He grabbed my waist and pulled me against him. He kissed my forehead.

"Goodnight, I love you..." He whispered against my head.

"I love you too Ash." I said before I drifted off to sleep.

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