Chapter 19

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"Don't worry about it!" I said looking into his beautiful green eyes.

"Are you sure?" He asked as his eyes met my green eyes. He looked at me with concern.

"Y-yea." I stumbled over my words. He was so much hotter up close. Every little imperfection was perfect. There was a scar on his forehead, he had some acne, but that's what made him beautiful.

"The names Michael, Michael Clifford." He said extending his hand for me to shake.

"I'm Lily, Lily Cunningham." I mocked and shook his hand. He smiled.

"Should I let you get back to work?" He asked motioning toward the records.

"Oh. Um, I just need to finish putting these away. Nothing to bad." I sad placing a few in their designated slots.

"Okay." He paused for a moment. "When do you get off work?" He asked. I was a bit taken back because it was random.

"In about an hour. Why? I asked.

"Would you like to go out with me tonight?" He asked. I stopped working and turned to face him. Why would someone like him want to take someone like me out.

"You, you wanna take this out?" I said motioning to my face.

"Yes! I want to take this-" he said pointing to my face. "-absolute beautiful face out."

You smooth fucker...

I blushed at his words and smiled.

" that a yes?" He asked.

"I would love to." I asked nodding. I gave him my number and he went to go pay. Nate rang him up. He walked back over and asked me for my address.

"I will see you at 6 sharp." He said before he left.


For the rest of work I couldn't stop thinking about him. I was super excited/nervous for tonight.

I got home shortly after work ended. I was patiently waiting for Michael to text me. It was stupid of me not to get his back but it's too late now.

Ashton wasn't home when I got back so I decided to take the liberty of getting ready. I took a shower and did my make up. Very minimal. Around 5 I still hadn't gotten a text. I started getting nervous, maybe he forgot? I pushed away the negative thoughts and thought maybe he would surprise me. I didn't know what to wear. So I decided I'd pick out two outfits and wait for him to get here and he'll tell me which one to wear.

At around 5:50 I saw a car pull in the driveway. Michael stepped out looking absolutely amazing. He wasn't wearing anything fancy so I quickly ran up stairs and threw on my leggings. If there's one thing I love, it's printed leggings. As I was running down the stairs I put on my shirt. I made it down stairs just in time for Michael at the door.

"Hello beautiful." he said smiling.

"Hi." I blushed "come in!" I said motioning him inside. He walked in and admired my home.

"Thanks for texting me..." i sarcastically retorted.

"Oh sorry about that! I lost my phone, turns out I left it at the shop. I just picked it up." He laughed. What a dork.

"Oh okay! So where are we going?" I asked as we headed for the door."

"That my dear, is a surprise."

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