stuck in the car and... a party???

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*Brittney's pov*

"umm i thik we have a problem here" i said and looked out the tinted windows. Katie and I were stuck well more like trapped. We were trapped in a car that had girls surrounding it just to go near the house. 

"wow we can totally get out now" katie said sarcastically and put her head in her hands."this sucks" she mumbled.

"we can try to text the guys katie and see if they can try to cause a destraction" i said.

Princess: hey me and katie are stuck in a small car... help??? plzz.

prince: umm me and harry are on it 

Princess:thanks :)

"ni said him and harry are on it." i said and smiled a little.

"harry said that they'll try." she said back to me. We both looked out the window and then we saw some people from managment come out and told all the girls that they had to leave. They all eventually left and then me and katie saw two people running.

"who is that?" she asked me

"it looks like...harry and niall" i said unlocking my door and getting out with katie. We were both trampled with hugs and then  they finally let go.

"we thought you two were going to get stepped on and stuff"harry said

"im glad you two didnt " niall said and kissed my nose.

"me too that was pretty weird" i said

"ya they surrounded your car and then left after like 10 minutes." katie said.

"wow thats crazy" harry said

"well you guys are famous and can sing really good so it makes sense i guess but it was freaky" i said.

"we might want to go before they come again" harry said

"k" me and katie said then ran towards the building and towards the elevator. we got there and hit the button then the guys ran over towards us.

"what was that for?" niall asked

"i have no clue we just ran" i said laughing

"well that was funny" katie said

"yeah " i said then weall got into the elevator. Luckily the elvator was actually pretty big so ni didnt really freak out.We got to our story and then got out. we stiopped infront of our door and talked for a while.

"Simon is haveing a ugly christmas sweater party tomarro and we thought it would be fun all of us to go" harry said.

"all ten?" i asked

"yeah me and katie you and niall,madi and zayn alli and liam and you could even bring elenour fr louis." harry said.

"okay ill aske her if she could make it"

"cool "harry said and then started talking to katie again so me and ni talked to each other.

"so do you think you can come?" he asked me

"yeah ill be there if your coming" i said

"ha okay "

"by the way you have to wear a ugly sweater not a nice one i dont want to be left out" i said 

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