jokeing around...

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*Alli's pov*

"Liam what do you want to watch?"

"Toy story?"

"Babe i dont think thats on at ten a clock" i said and i laughed and so did the other boys. Yea we were still up at our place. Mad and el had just been dropped off. Me,liam,zayn and lou are sitting on the couch. Meanwhile haz and katie are on one recliner and britt and ni on the other. The girls fell asleep cuddling thier boyfriends and the guys are just laying there fixing thier hair and stuff.

"How long has she been asleep?" I asked harry and he shrugged his shoulders.

"I guess around ten minuetes" he said back and smiled.

"What about her?" I asked niall.

"Um about 15 minuets she passed out right when we all got here" he said back. I looked over to louis and zayn and gave them a smirk.

"Are you thinking what im thinking " i asked lou and zayn.

"We should watch grease?" Zayn asked and i shook my head no.

"Lou did you catch what i ment" i asked and he smiled.

"Dose it involve whip cream?" He asked and i grined bigger and shook my head yes. We both went and got the can out and aprroched katie.

"Wait wont the girls get mad?" Harry asked

"Nah i dont really know what katie will do but i know that brittney will laugh.

"Okay i guess" harry said and we ticked katie and she wipped whipcream all over her face.we did the same with brittney and she put it all over her face.

"Haha this is going to be interesting" i said and lou laughed.

(Next day)

*katies pov*

I woke up by laughing coming from britt's bedroom. She usually laughs so im pretty used to it. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and i looked in the mirror to see whipcream all over my face. I didnt know what to do i spit out my tooth paste and washed my face. I walked out of the bathroom and gave harry a kiss and said goodmorning to him. I told him i found out about it and i went directly downstairs.

"Alli you are such a turd" i said to her and she laughed. I knew it was ethier her or lou but im pretty sure it was her.

"How dix you know it was me?"

"You just told me" i said with a smirk on my face and started laughing.

"I made you pancakes" alli said and handed me a plate.

"Is there something going to explode?.... Did you spit on it? ...Or did you drop it on the floor?" I asked her with a serious face and a disgusted look on my face.

"Haha nothing its my im sorry present for you." She said then i slowly ate my pancakes. Then i herd britt and niall come down. Yea you usually hear them before you see them. They laugh alot and they laugh loud if you havent noticed. I think its funny and it makes everyone else laugh when we hear them.

"Alli you should have saw brit's face. She was shocked and then burst out laughing." Niall said while chcukling. He grabbed a plate for britt and for him then put them on the table. They sat next to eachother and ate while alli and liam were talking in the kitchen then haz came down the stairs.

"Harry please tell me that you have clothes on " i said and then i herd him run back up the stairs. We all laughed then eventually harry came down.

"I forgot to wear a shirt" he said and then grabbed a plate and sat next to me.

"So what are you all talking about in there" britt said to alli and liam.

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