The X-Factor (part two)

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"Brittney get back here!" I herd john yell and start to run after me and alli and everybody else.

"Eff no!" I said then ran with everybody else.

We all ran into this huge rv looking van.

It was huge and when we all got in we locked the door and louis began to drive.

"What the h--- was that for?"

"Okay so you remeber lucas?"

"Yeah i remeber him" he said and then everbody else gatherd around to hear.

"Well his bestfriend that likd me alot his name is john and we were besties and everything then lucas and me started dating and then john told me that he liked me. He saw me and lucas together and thought we were the cutest couple ever and stuff."

"Okay so whay are you telling us this? Harry asked.

"Well i had to go to the office because i had a visitor is what the principal told me and-"

"It was him wasnt it?" Zayn asked

"Yeah it was he is freaking me out." I said and then zayn gave me a hug and ni sat on the other side of me and grabbed my hand. Our fingers were intertwined and then katie spoke.

"Wait so how dose this involve alli?"

"Well i tried to call one of you guys to help me out because i was locked into the office and i couldnt escape, so i caled alli and she went to get me."

"Yeah and then Britt had the brilant idea to break the glass." Alli said with a smirk

"Shut up alli I didnt mean to"

"How did you break the glass?" Niall said and looked straight into my green eyes.

"Well im really high pitched?"

"Yeah.. go on" ni said

"So my old music teacher told me she wanted to see how high pitched i could go and then she talked to my coach and she said sure."

"Wait what type of coach?"

"Cheerleading" i said and paused for a while and then i saw nialls and louis jaw drop. "Okay well anyways back to the story. She wanted to help me go really high and i did it turned out i could go so high that if i hit the correct frequency i could break the glass."

"So is that what the high pitched noise was?" Harry asked

"Yep sorry"

"Its okay i dont think im deaf" harry said and then went back to talking with katie.

"Hey at least we will be far away from both of them " niall said and the hugged me.

"This bus is freezing my legs are so cold" i said.

"Well you are wearing hot pants and here take my jacket." Ni said and handed me his jacket.

"Thanks " i said and curled me feet up and put the jacket on my legs.

"No problem" ni said then kissed me. Louis looked back in the mirror and rolled his eyes. I saw him roll his eyes again and then i got a little sad and probably frowned a little because somehow niall noticed.

"Britt is something wrong?"

"Oh im just nervous"

"Oh dont be nervous britt your amazayn"(see what i did


"Thanks ni"

"Welcome and britt harry wanted to talk to me about something in the back of the bus so ill be there if u need me"

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