who is the stranger?

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*Brittney's pov*


i herd the noise again but this time i knew it wasnt louis or ni. It freaked me out really bad and then ni woke up.

"Britt whats wrong?"

"ni i think somebody broke into my house and they are downstairs." i said and then we heard a loud bang and niall imeadiatley knew what was going on. He got up and went to a closet down the hall and grabbed a bat. Then he came back to the bedroom. He walked over to me and grabed my waist with one of his hands and then his bat was in the other.

"Babe dont worry i promise i wont let anyone hurt you"ni said

"you promise?" i said then we kissed. We stoped when we heard another noise from downstairs.

"im gonna wake up louis okay?" i said

"yeah" ni said

"louis wake up please... someone broke into the house." i whispered in louis ear then he woke up.

"okay lets do this" he said then grabbed a bat from the same closet as niall. we started to walk down the hall then the boys got infront of me. (all of the lights in the house were off)

"What are you doing?" i asked them when we were on the stairs.

"We are protceting you " louis said with a smile

"Britt i promised" ni said.

"i cant let you guys go and get infront of me , if you ever got hurt i dont know howw i could live with myself." i said looking down at the last part of the sentence.

"We both love you and dont want you to get hurt " ni said.

"so were not going to move" louis added.

"fine just please dont hurt yourself " i said then i gave louis a kiss on the cheek and niall on the lips. after that we started walking down the stairs. We got to the bottom of the staircase and walked in the living room. It turns out that the person was in the kitchen. It looked like a guy but i didnt know for sure. they looked through a drawer for something then they ran out the side door. I let go of the boys hands then ran to lock the doors and then iturned on the lights.I sat down next to the door and i guess my nerves got to me and i began crying then ni started comforting me.

-End of flashback-

i woke up from my dream of what had happend the night before(flashback) and i was in a boys room.I looked around the room for ni or louis but i couldnt find them.Theni herd a farmilliar irish vioce coming from what seemed downstairs.i smiled imeadiatley and tried to figure out where the voice was coming from. so i decided to get out of bed but i mnoitced something diffrent.... i was wearing a pair of ni's sweats and a shirt of his.I looked in a mirror and chuckeld a little then i started walking down the stairs. I saw everyone of my friends at school aka. the people who where going to try out for x factor with me. Harry and Katie where laying in the floor looking up at the celing and talking to the others about something. Liam and alli where laying down on the couch together and talking with the others. zayn and liam where sitting in chairs like niall and louis and talking about something too. I had no clue what they where talking about, i was still honestly half asleep. I walked down the stairs then i was hugged by all of them it was like a group hug. It was cute and all but im a little clostophobic and i was squuezed a lot and someone smacked my butt.. it turned out to be louis his grin showed it. 

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