Going to the mall

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*Brittney's pov*

So me and the girls wanted to go shopping for some clothes. I got some with lou a couple weeks ago but i still had some money so i choose to buy some stuff. We were all up at 8:00 am and we ate breakfast then left for the mall.

We seperated into two cars in harrys car was harry driving and katie in the passanger. Lou,me and niall were sitting in the back in that order. Then it was liam and alli up front and then zayn and his girlfriend. We all got out of the car then went to some stores. We went into a store and got uggs. Then we went into a supera store and me and niall got some shoes. We went into holister,abercrombie and fitch, aeropostale and american eagle for clothes. We came out of american eagle and we all had at least two bags of stuff.

"Can we get something to eat now?" Niall asked

"Sure" i said then walked towards the food court and everybody else said they would meet up later.

"What do you want?"


" ni i dont think they-"

"Look theres one"

"O wow nevermind" i said then ni grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the ordering spot. We got our food then sat down to eat and it turns out everybody was already sitting down eating.

"Hey guys" i said and sat next to lou.

"Hey britt where were you?"

"Nandos with niall" i said then i herd a chair pull up and then stop. I turned around and saw niall sitting next to me.

"Britt you can sit in the booth wih me" louis said then winked.

"Britt you can sit in the booth with me " niall said then pointed to the booth that had no one there.

"Its okay guys im cool right here" i said with a little chuckle at the end. We ate our food then decided to get some icecream. We all headed towards the dipping dots store and there was a line. We waited for a while then i noticed something. It was her,holly. I looked up towards louis and said" really?!?"

"Shh britt she might not notice" louis said then she walked past. Score! But then she turned around and walked back. She stood right infront of me and then started talking about me.

"See this is what i mean by retarted she said she liked niall but she is like hugging louis " she said and then laughed in my face.

"Ya know lou whats sad is that she keeps on talking about me and she thinks it actually hurts me." I said then me and louis laughed in her face . We began walking off after we got our icecream then she took her icecream and dumped it down my shirt.

"Whoops" she said then laughed. Then i took katies pepsi and dumped it on her and down her shirt.

"I would say whoops but it wasnt on accident." I said and smiled but then she pulled my hair so it was officially on. Lou knew it to then all the guys pulled me back . I was cussing her out as i was carried out of the whole mall. It turns out louis had picked me up and put me over hisshoulders and ran with evrybody else.

"What is up with that chick?" Katie asked

"I dont know but it looked like britt was going to rip her face off" alli said with a laugh.

"Can someone take me back in there please?" I asked.

"Brittney your not going to fight her" liam said.

"Yeah i know but i do have ice cream down my shirt you all

can walke me back in if you want i have to get this out of my

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