miscella's (the enemy)

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*brittneys pov*

So we all watched the grudge and of corse the girls were freaked out they made me turn off all the lights in our place. I woke up around eight but i saw two people in my bed. Katelin and allison were both at the bottom of my bed sleeping.

"What the f--- girls?!?" I yelled and they didnt wake up.

"Wow you guys were that scared?" I said to basically myself because i was the only one up.i had a perfrect idea ill make sure they dont sleep in my bed ever again. My plan was to call the guys to come over and i gave them all wigs to wear. I could put some white fondation on them and make there skin white.

"Hey harry do you wanna freak two girls out?"

"Umm alli and katie?"


"Haha sure do you wany me to bring anythin'?"

"You can bring the boys over also"




A couple minutes later the boys came over and they had everything on and perfect. I set my alarm clock and pretended i was asleep while katie and alli woke up. The boys were in my room laying down on sides of my bed.

"Alli turn off britt's alarm" katie said when the alarm went off.

"No you" alli said half asleep.


"You" alli said and they said this for a while then decided to try to wake me up but i didnt buge. Then liam who was under the covers started to grab the girls feet.

"Katie stop doing that" alli said.

"What are you talking about i thought you were doing that to me." Katie said back to her. Then they began to freak lot. Which was when zayn put his wig on and did the weird gruge noise and poped up. Louis was controling the lights and niall tried to be the little boy. Harry was contorling the other set of lights and then closed the door behind zayn and turned off the lights. Then the girls screamed super loud.

"Alli we cant die!" Katie yelled

"Wait the grudge shes in here." Alli said then zayn got into alli and katies face and did the weird noise.

They screamed and then liam and niall switched spots and then liam dragged alli out of the room and then it was just katie.

I herd alli scream alot out the room then katie decided to wake me up.

"Britt wake up please!" She said on the verge of tears but i didnt open them.

"Help" she said and then got under the covers then zayn and harry switched spots. (Harry was the grudege now)

He made the sound then tried to drag her out.

"No no dont" she yelled horrificley. It sou ded terrible but i was laughing under the covers.

"Stop " she yelled. Then harry grabbed her and pulled her out of the room and into her room. She screamed and everything and even hit him a couple times.

"Get off of me" she yelled and then zayn came back in the room and freaked katie out. She kicked him in the face.

"Oww" he said.

"Wait a second." Katie said then ripped off the guys wigs.

"BRITTNEY IM GOING TO KILL YOU" katie yelled and began walking towards my room. I slammed the door shut and grabbed a hold of niall.

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