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*Brittneys pov* 

Why is he acting so surprised about the whole visitor thing. And zayn knows what hes thinking about too and why dont I? He is hiding something and i have to get to the bottom of it.  

"Louis can you help me with something i wishperd to him. The boys where over at our place and hangin out with us but ni was in the kitchen eating something.  

"Yeah sure" 

"Okay so we need to go shopping and then we come home early so i can see whats up with niall." 

"Okay whats up with niall" 

"Hes acting weird." 

"Oh okay babe and can i tell you something." 

"Um sure louis anything" 

"Its kind of wierd but i kinda wanna well um.." he trailed off and looked down at his shoes. 

"Kiss? Is that what you where going to say?" I asked him  

"Yeah thats what i was going to say and if niall and you breakup and you want to kiss then you can just tell me." 

"Ha okay lou" i said and laughed. Then niall came back in with a sandwhich and a drink in his hand. 

"Hey babe whatcha doin?" He asked and sat right inbetween me and louis. 

"Nothing what about you?" I asked 

"Nothing" he said and then we sat there akwordly for a while. 

"Babe do you mind if i go shopping with lou i need a couple more outfits for the show." 

"I dont mind at all babe, you can go" he said. And smiled then took a bite out of his sandwhich. 

I gave him a kiss on the cheek then stood up. 

"Babe you missed" he said then i came back and kissed him on the lips. I was pretty sure that niall wasnt going to do anything bad. I mean why would he? He loves me. It was still morning around nine ish and me and lou left at ten. We went into his car and jammed for a while. 

"Hey Britt if you want to kiss me just tell me bluntly like hey louis you can kiss me now or something." 

"Umm okay lou but im dating niall right now." 

"Yea i know and you to are cute i just wish i told you first."louis said with a sigh then looked back on the road. It was a little quiet for a while then he turned up the radio. It was some weird electronic song song so then i laugh and looked at louis. Louis was banging his head a little which made me laugh. He is hillarious i mean he makes me laugh all the time. Louis had on some red skinney jeans and a blue striped shirt on with toms. I had on some jean short shorts  

and a with a blue button up and it was tied towards the bottom so it came up to my belly button and superas. first off It WAS SO HOT OUTSIDE! So dont judge what i was wearing. Me and louis went in the mLl and got some abercrombie and fitch,holister,and american eagle clothes then decided to leave early so niall wouldnt expect it. 

We got back and took all the bags to my place and then i opend the door to thier apartment. I couldnt believe it it was holly and niall kissing. They where sitting on thier little couch kissing. Louis was so mad he just froze. 

"Care to explain horan?" I yelled a little. 

"Umm well.." he began 

"Umm well what?!? Ni you were kissing her." 

"Its not what it-" he began to stand up and walk towards me but i stepped back towards lou. 

"No Ni its exactly what it looks like !" 

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