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*Katies pov*

so simon told us to get ready and evrything so we all tried to match a little. We wore some summer clothes then we went to rehersals. I drove and britt called passanger and alli was chillin in the back. we got out of the hotel and there was a lot of karmelli fans. They surronded the car and wouldnt let us go eventually we left and went to simon's. We got there and simon started talking to us about our carrers and what the judges think then he said he would invite brittney spears over since she didnt like us. she walked in the door then greeted us and sat down.

"hello karmelli how are you?" britney spears asked.

"umm were good i guess what about you" alli said.

" im good so do you want to sing anything for me?"she asked again.

"what would you like for us to sing?" britt asked her.

"I dont care whatvever" she said and then we finally choose a song. We sang distirbia by rihanna.

"wow that was an amazing preformance." simon said and stood up to give us a hand shake.

"it was okay " britney (spears) said and looked at him. 

"what do you mean?" simon asked.

"im sorry britney but we would have rehersed more if we knew we were going to sing." britt said.

"well that still wont help" she snapped back. i looked over to britt and gave her my dont-do-anything- to- get-us-kicked-off look and she stared down at the ground.

"if you would have practice it would have been better" britney (spears) began"but you didnt and you guys need to practice more expecially you." she said and stared right at brittney.


"i know that you have a wonderful voice and you have a good high pitched one like me but you have to know how to control it."

"control it? what do you mean by that?" brit asked actually politley.

"i mean you have to own your vioce not just lay it out there somewhere." 

"oh okay" she said and then looked down.

"well by guys ill see you later." she said then hugged us all and left. 

"what the -"britt began

"britt " i said and looked at her."calm down"

"why did she say that she only said that to me simon we need to prove her wrong." 

"brittney thats a great idea" simon said and stood up.

"did she say anything else about us simon?" britt asked. 

"um she said she dosent think you all could dance."

"what the-" britt started but i cut her off so she wouldnt cuss infront of simon.

"ya and i htink we could do one of her songs and do some choreograhphy with it. " simon said 

"yay thank you simon"

"yeah but we might need some extras in the danceing part"

"like one direction?" alli,katie and i asked. 

"yeah that would be perfect okay ill call them and talk to them about it and guys you all have to practice a lot so you can win this i think you all can be famous some day.

"love you simon bye" we all said then left. we got in the car then alli got a call from liam.

*Alli's pov*

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