going home

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Brittneys pov

"Wait so you think that we have a lot of talant?"i say asking the chior teacher ms. Richardson.

"I dont think....I know.... If you actually focus on you guys singing together you can tell that you all clearley have talent enough talent that you can be famous." She said

"Wow really?" Katie said completley surprised

"Yes im telling the truth now you all have to promise that you will practice and please dont fight." Mrs.Richardson said.

"Promise" we all said in unison.

We all walk out of the door and we are basically the only ones here i guess we stayed there for a while but it was cool that we were all alone.

I tried to text my dad but it turns out he left a vioce mail that told me that he couldnt pick me up and he told me to walk home.

Great. Now i'm the only one who dosent have a ride.Niall obviously saw me answer my vioce mail.

"Whats wrong Brittney?"

"My dad cant pick me up and now i have to walk home"

"Britt i have a car so i could drive you to your house if you want and we could practice singing"

"Okay sure id love to ride with you"


(About 10 min. Later)

"Thanks for driving me to my house"

"No problem"

"And thanks for bieng my friend Niall"

"Your welcome Princess"

"Bye Niall" i said giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek before i getout of the car. I smiled and waved bye at him and i saw him blushing and smileing as he pulled out of the driveway.

He called me princess how cute and tomarrow we have to practice extra in chior. Ugh i cant belive im saying this but why cant school come fast?!?

I do my homework and some other stuff then i get a text from some unknown number.

Hey Brittney do you like Niall o and btw this is louis:)

Hey louis and yeah hes my friend why wouldnt i like him?

He texted me back saying...

Britt he likes you alot i dont mean like a friend i mean like a girlfriend.

Aww and okay i like him alot but please dont tell him louis pretty please:)

K i wont tell him and buh bye see you later,he sent me and then our converstation was over. Hopefully he dozent tell niall.

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