friends forever...

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*Brittney's pov*

"The miscella's" spears said all happy. I was so sad i just droped and coverd my face and started to cry. I felt someone else beside me and peeked out behind my hands and saw katie doing the same as me which didnt help. It made me feel worse and cry more. We were crying infront of everybody. Some people wouldnt care but i do. I hate it when i cry especially infront of people so this was sucky. Then i felt someone walk over and hug us and eventually they came infront of us and they blocked the cameras. It was alli. I finally ran out of tears and i looked up to see simon. He said that he didnt want this to happen and he will try everything to get us to stay but he didnt know how. We all sat there and they had to go on a comerical brake so me and the girls went backstage and into our dressing room. I was hopeing no one would see us but everybody did. Did i mention the fact that we were friends with everyone besides the miscella's. We walked in the room with everybody else happy and then they saw us.

"Whats wrong?"

"Dont cry "

"You guys arent leaving ill make sure"

Are some of the main things that i herd. Lots pf people were sad about this. We were surronded and then readysimon asked for sequerity and they helped us get to our room. We got in and some serqurity gaurd closed the door.

"Girls i dont want you to leav you are better then them. Plus the fact that you all can improv things like that is an amazingly wonderful talent. Ill make sure you stay." He said then left.

"Umm karmelli's one dirdction would like to see you do you want me to let them in?"

"Yes" alli said

"Sure"katie said

"No i look terrible im not ready" i said.

"Is that a no karmelli's?" The body gaurd asked us.

"Brittney go in the bathroom and hide" katie said so i went in the bathroom. I was still pretty sad and i looked terrible.

"You can let them in garry" she said and the door opend. I herd a lot of moving around but i had no clue what was happening. I didnt want anyone to see me like this.

*alli's pov*

Katie told garry to let the boys in so then the door flew open and we were all trampled by the guys. Me and katie were standing but then we were on the floor with all the guys trampled on top of us.

"Your not leaving" louis said.

"Nope were not gooing to let that happen to you" harry said

"You guys sgould have won" niall said

"That wasnt fair" liam said.

"If britney spears dosent know that you al have talent then shes completley wrong you guys are wonderful"zayn said.

"Hey maybe if you get off of us we can talk more." Katie said.

"Wheres britt?" Niall asked me and katie.

" well umm did you hear how garry asked us if we wanted you in here? Well there was one no" katie said.

"And that was brittney. She said that she lookd terrible and shes just not ready to see people yet i guess."

"Okay this bathroom?" Niall asked me

"Yeah" alli said.

"Britt please let me in there"

"I look terrible" she mumbled through the door.

"Britt your beautiful even of you cry so please let me in there" he said and then she ublocked the door and he came in and closed it again.

One Dream ( book 1)Where stories live. Discover now