what happened???

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*Niall's pov*

What? What was going on? This couldnt be real. I dont understand what made her do this then i get a text.

Niall im sorry and you dont have to pretend you like me i know that you dont now and its okay, bye

I got up and ran to the lou. What did she mean by pretending to like her? I love her and now its over. Why dose she think this i dont understand at all.

The guys saw me and followed and went to the guys room right behind me.

"Niall its okay " zayn said

"How is it okay that the one girl that i have had strong feelings for to leave you behind and you not even know where she is or what happend? Zayn i dont even know why she did this and she texted me this." I say holding up my phone.

"Niall she'll be fine you just have to let her calm down and then she will probably be back and school bye 6th hour."

"Okay.... i just want to see her."

I walked back into the chior room to see alli and liam talking. They started to whisper when i came in the room. They have probably been together for four weeks and seeing them didnt help my problem. Katie and Harry tried to keep me calm in the room but it didnt work.

"I've texted her 27 times and she hasnt texted back have you guys tried to?" I say with my eyes watery

" I texted her 10 times"louis said

"I texted her 7 times" katie says

"8 times" Harry said

"7 times" zayn said then we all looked at alli and Liam.

"I have texted her 4 times" liam said.

Everyone looked at alli to see what her answer was but she just looked down and looked really guilty.

"It was you wasnt it alli?!? Why?" I ask with my voice cracking

On the last word.

"Everyone liked her and you guys didnt treat me good when i came here. You called ma a nerd a milloin times and didnt really care."

"But.... why her?"

"Idk she just was to preppy."

"What did you say to her?"

"She isnt cool like us Niall"

"Says the NERD!!!"

"Okay im sorry Niall but shes just new and she randomly becomes friends with us"

"Watever im going" i said leaving the chior room. I needed some time alone to try to relax and calm myself and just think.

*Brittney's pov*

I went home and straight to my room and started crying. I couldnt stop and whenere i tried it made it worse.Niall was my amazing friend who cared about me. Well at least i thought but he dosent like me at all.He could have told me instead of fakeing all of this.I couldnt do anything but cry about all of this. I started watching some tv show that was about vaccumes. It was a paid program and sooooo retarted but i kept watching.

Then i heard my phone ring for the tenth time since i started watching tv.I didnt really want to talk to anyone but i picked up my phone anyway. It was Niall. Seeing his name brought tears back to my eyes. Why was he texting me this didnt make any sense. The text said....

Princesss please pick up i miss you and i love you and im soo worried and Dont listen to alli she was just jealous and i love you and shes a nerd so dont listen to her,princess please pick up.

I wanted to stay strong but i couldnt it was terrible.I was crying worse than before. I collapsed on my bed crying and went to sleep.

I couldn't take it so I stayed at home for two days and decided to go back on Friday.

I came in into the office and they said for me to go into the choir room. Great the one place that was where Alli was and we had to be near each other and it's only the guys and Alli and Katie.

I began to walk in and put my stuff in my chair when Niall looked up and saw me.

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