chapter two

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Janie sits at the counter, opposite of her brother, eating her breakfast while Bonham shows August stuff that Janie is tuning out. Abilene is packing a lunch box while Liam makes a smoothie.

"Good morning." Cordell greets, walking in.

"Honestly, Bonham, I pit my fruit on that counter." Abilene says.

"Well, I've been edged out of the space my shop formerly occupied, so..." Bonham says.

"There's plenty of space for you to take up on this ranch." Abilene tells him.

"Stella Blue!" Liam calls and Stella walks in.

"Hey." Cordell greets, not getting a reply. "Soccer." He says, looking at her gym bag.

"Big game tonight." Liam says.

"Yeah. No, yeah. Uh, yeah. Of course." Cordell acts like he knew, but they can tell he didn't. "Uh, hey, where is my coffee mug? I've only had the same mug here for 17 years."

Janie looks to Stella who subtly shakes her head.

"You know, you make a good point. This has always been your home, right? That's why I thought you'd be happy out in the farmhouse." Abilene says.

"It's great what you've done, but it's not our house." Cordell says.

"Your children have been here nearly a year. A little stability. Think about that." Abilene says.

"I am thinking. What I'm thinking is that we should ease back into things on our own terms, mama. You know, back to normal and all that. But thank you, of course." Cordell says.

"Does it even matter to you where we want to live?" Stella asks, but doesn't give him time to answer. "I got to go. Uncle Liam?"

"I can take you." Cordell says, but Stella ignores him taking the drink Liam gives her and getting her bag, leaving the house.

"Uh, we kind of hit a groove." Liam says.

"Yeah, she's just like that lately." August says. "She actually goes back to the old house sometimes."

"Really?" Cordell asks.

"Yeah, uh, to think about stuff, I guess. But I'm good wherever you are, dad."

"Me, too." Janie agrees.

"Great." Cordell says, looking at his ringing phone.

"Uh, you know, actually, we got to get to school, too." August says. "We're starting that one project, "What Texas Means to Me.""

"Yay." Janie sarcastically cheers.

"Oh, yes, I remember that project." Liam says.

"It's been a thing that long?" Janie asks.

"Yes, and you will have fun." Liam says.

"Right." Janie mutters, walking out.

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