chapter eighteen

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The siblings are at the Side Step and all hanging out with their respective friends at different tables.

"August." Janie turns to her brother's name being said, seeing Denise get his attention. "Hey."

"Hey, Mrs. Davidson. Um... yeah, Colton isn't here right now." August says, standing up. Stella and Janie share a look, both paying attention to the woman.

"Oh, no, um... I've been trying to reach your dad all morning. Is he here?" Denise asks.

"I haven't heard from him all day." August informs.

"Well, in that case, would you mind if I asked you a couple questions?" Denise asks.

"Sure. I mean, do I need a lawyer or something? Like..." August chuckles.

"A lantern was stolen off my property a couple weeks ago, and you have been named as a person involved in the incident, so would you have any idea where it could be?" Denise asks.

Stella and Janie immediately get up and go over to August.

"Okay, you're really gonna confront a kid like this?" Stella asks.

"I have been trying to find your father." Denise tries to defend.

"And catching Augie on his own is pretty low. We're not the bad guys here." Stella says.

"August, I just need you to answer that one question." Denise says.

"What's going on here?" Geri asks, walking over.

"You know what? This doesn't involve you, so just..." Denise motions for her to walk away.

"Well, when you're in my place of business, talking to kids who are practically my blood, I would say, yeah, mm-hmm, it does concern me." Geri says, nodding.

"Okay. Why don't we find some neutral ground then?" Denise suggests. "How's Ranger HQ?"

"I don't think that's gonna be necessary." Geri says.

"Yeah, no, that-that-that's fine." August says making Geri and his sisters look at him. "Let's just, um... get this over with."

"Great." Denise says. "Great." She smiles.

"Augie." Geri whispers.

"It's fine." August assures.

"Okay, I'll go with you." Geri says.

"You know what? You are not his legal guardian, but don't worry, he'll be in good hands." Denise says, Janie wanting to smack the smile right off her face. "Let's go."

August grabs his bag.

"Augie." Geri whispers as he walks past her, following Denise.

"Wh-- what the hell was that?" Janie asks, looking between Janie and Stella with panicked eyes.

"Dad's not picking up. It's going straight to voicemail." Stella says. "I told him to come earlier, so maybe he's on his way."

"Okay, you stay here in case he does. You guys hold down the fort." Geri says.

"Wait, where are you going?" Stella asks.

"I'm gonna go find that damn lantern." Geri states.


The girls are sitting at the bar, both on their phones, hoping for any notifications from Geri, their dad, or brother.

"Stel, Jane." They turn to see Liam walk over to them.

"Have you heard from Augie?" Stella asks.

"No, your father has it handled." Liam states.

"He never should've taken that stupid thing." Stella says.

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