chapter twenty-three

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"Stella. You used the last clean towel." August complains as he and Janie walk into the house.

"There's more in the dryer. I told you this." Stella says.

"Ugh. No, you didn't." August argues.

"We both told you that." Janie tells her brother.

"Augie is just mad because I have the bigger room and he wants it." Stella says.

"Okay. You said I could have it when you left for Sauber." August says.

"Yeah. And I never left. Ergo, the room is still mine." Stella says.

"She would be correct." Janie comments.

"Thank you." Stella tells her. "Back me up, Uncle Liam. From a legal point of view..." Liam holds his hands up in surrender.

"Stella, Stella. Stella." Cordell stops her. "I think we're all just trying to wrap our heads around this new reality of you not going off to college. Myself included."

"Speaking of which, what do you plan on doing with yourself now that it's not Sauber?" Bonham asks.

"Well, I th... I think..." Stella stammers as everybody but Janie stares at her. Janie doesn't stare at her, knowing she's getting enough pressure from Cordell. "I mean, I mean, like... you know, I-I really like helping people, so, something like that?"

"Helping people is great, obviously. But, um, that's not... a plan." Cordell says.

"Does she really need a whole plan? I mean, she just told you that she's not going to college, gap year, whatever. She's 18, that's basically still a kid -- mentally, at least. She doesn't need every little detail figured out." Janie tells her dad.

"Okay, well, lucky for you, I just so happened to talk to your Aunt Geri last night, and she agreed to give you a part time shift at the Side Step." Cordell tells his eldest.

"What?" Stella asks and Cordell nods. "No. It's only been a few weeks. And you said you'd help me figure this out together."

"And that's exactly what we're doing. We-we are figuring it out together." Cordell says with a small laugh.

"It kinda sounds like you're taking full control, actually." Janie says, biting into a strip of bacon.

"Janie, watch it." Cordell warns. "It's four hours a day, Stel. Maybe, uh, you can save enough money to restore the Mustang to its former glory."

"Amen. That hood scoop's an abomination, and those racing stripes?" Bonham complains.

"Ah, ah, I got to get. I got to get. All right." Cordell gets up. "Uh, all right, have a great day." He pats August on the shoulder. "Have a good day." He glances between his daughters. "Geri's expecting you at 10:00." Cordell leaves.

"Well, all right. Excuse me a minute. I'll grab a bag. Y'all start eating this food, please, before it gets cold." Bonham instructs, walking out.


Stella pulls up to the school and parks.

"Congrats. You haven't uttered a single word this entire car ride." Stella says to August.

"Okay. What do you want me to say?" August asks. "You know, you single-handedly ruined my entire junior year."

"Oh, please, August." Janie rolls her eyes.

"I-I just... I-I thought that whenever you went to college, it'd finally be my year. But you stayed home and I get nothing, as usual." August says.

"Okay, wow, that was... kind of harsh." Stella says. "But you do make a point." She admits, shocking both twins.

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