chapter one

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The family-- aside from the children's mom, Emily-- are all gathered at Bonham and Abilene's house for a game night.

Bonham rolls the dice and groans while everybody else, excluding Cordell cheers.

"I've been in prison three times now." Bonham says, moving his game piece.

"H-how-- you get a six and a five..." Cordell trails off, confused.

"Just watch, just watch." August tells his dad, picking the dice up.

"Okay." Cordell agrees as his son rolls the dice. Everybody exclaims while he moves his game piece.

"Okay, wait, wait, wait." Cordell exclaims.

"What?" The twins ask.

"Okay, okay, okay. What's happening?" Cordell questions.

"What's happening is your son is mopping the floor with you." Bonham says.

"Yeah, I-- yeah, I know he is, clearly. But I don't understand the rules, so it's-it's not fair." Cordell says.

"Oh! I knew it!" Stella exclaims.

"You knew-- what?" Cordell asks, confused, as everybody else is laughing. "What's going on?"

"We all get a bonus turn when someone says it isn't fair, and Stella knew you would crack." Abilene explains. She and her oldest granddaughter high five.

"Stella. Your own dad?" Cordell asks as Stella high fives her siblings.

"This is a very serious game. No loyalties." Stella states.

"All right, well, I..." Cordell trails off, looking at his phone.

"Excuse me, we're playing a game." Bonham tells his son.

"Yeah. Uh-- hey, just a sec." Cordell says, standing up, walking away on the phone.

"See, he can't even handle it." Stella says.

"I know." August says.

"Sore loser!" Janie jokingly accuses.

"What a sad state of affairs. Okay, come on. It's my turn." Stella says, rolling the dice.

They continue playing the game while Cordell is on the phone and he soon walks back.

"Dad, it's your turn." August tells him.

"Hey, uh... Augie, why don't you, uh, why don't you take my turn?" He suggests.

"Cordell?" Abilene asks, seeing the troubled look on her son's face.

"Just, uh, just work stuff." Cordell tells them. "It's-It's, uh-- got my turn, bud?" He asks his son.

"Yeah." August nods.

"Okay. Be right back." Cordell tells them before walking outside.


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