chapter twenty-two

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Janie and August peek into Stella's room and she's digging through her dresser, clothes all over her floor.

"Stel, what's, uh, what's going on in here?" August asks with a small chuckle.

"Why did a tornado hit your room?" Janie asks.

"Hey, do you guys have any money?" Stella asks.

"Why?" They both ask.

"I just need it. Can you go get it?" Stella snaps at them. The twins share a look.

"Okay." August shuts the door. "You trashed your room, you're yelling at us, which for you is not normal at all, and you're asking for money. This sounds like something I should go tell mawline."

"No! Don't." Stella protests. "I think I can find dad."

"How?" August asks.

"A woman called the ranger station and I'm going to meet her." Stella says.

"Okay, I'm-I'm coming with you." August says.

"Me too." Janie nods.

"No, you aren't." Stella argues.

"Oh, I think we are." Janie says.

"Yes, I am. Stella, we just went through this, okay? And we're both sick of it. So if this is something that's gonna help find dad, we're doing it together." August walks out.

"Exactly. You're not the only one who gets to make adult decisions. Besides, going to see a random person alone is probably one of the most dangerous things you could do."


They get to the parking garage and get out of the Mustang, looking around for anybody. They hear footsteps and turn to see a blonde woman.

"Shannon?" Stella asks.

"You're who I was talking to?" She asks.

"I'm with the Rangers. Can you tell me where you saw Ranger Walker?" Stella asks.

"Do you have the money?" Shannon asks.

"Just tell us where our dad is." August demands.

"Your dad. That's what you were starting to say on the phone." Shannon recalls.

"Yes, okay, the missing Ranger is our dad. It doesn't really matter. Now, just tell us where you saw him." Stella orders.

"She asked if you had the money." Two guys walk up behind the siblings. One guy stands between the sisters while the other pats August's jean pockets. "Pockets feel empty, babe." He tells Shannon.

"Hey. What're your names?" The second guy asks the girls.

"No, don't-don't-don't talk to them." August demands.

"Ooh." The second guy laughs. "Tough guy. What if I want to talk to them? You gonna stop me?"

"Just give us the money." Shannon orders.

"Tell me where my dad is." Stella says.

"Screw it." The first guy punches August in the stomach.

"August!" Janie and Stella call, trying to walk over.

"Ah-ah-ah." The second guy wraps his arms around their waists.

"Hey." Stella objects.

"Get off me." Janie fights against him.

"Don't go anywhere." The guy says. "Give us the money."

August punches the first guy. The guy throws the sisters to the ground and the first guy holds August so the second one can punch him. August falls to the ground.

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